Mauve Box

       Please bear with me, as the construction of this box will seem rather
       silly.  This box was found in a construction site.  Or rather, it found
       us at a construction site.  We were using a $5 Radio Shack phone out of
       a semi-completed office building.  One afternoon during a holiday, and
       immediately following a storm, we found our bus in shambles.  To our
       suprise, we also found that one of the phone connections we were tapping
       had been draped through a murky puddle.  The fact that suprised us even
       more was that this line still worked and now posessed some great


  2 tupperware or similar 8oz contianers
  1 small bag earth (dirt) (12oz)
  1 pint water
  2 lantern batteries
  1 nine volt battery
  1 battery clip
  2 SPST switches
  4 ounces of iron shavings
  2 polar magnets
  5 feet wire
  1 set soldering equipment

       This is the part you won't believe.  Take the tupperware containers, and
       fill them with a mixture of the earth and the iron shavings.  Make sure
       that the mixture is well done.  (*NOTE* for best results, use the sand in
       fine ash trays.)  Cut the cut the red and green wires and splice the
       switches into them.  From the switches, solder wire to the magnets.
       Connect the red to the + (positive) side of one magnet, and the green to
       the - (negative) side of the second magnet.  From the other poles of the
       magnet, solder wires the battery & clip.  Make sure the + (positive) and
       - (negative) are correct.  Set the nine-volt battery between the two
       tupperware containers and place the battery end of the two magnets into
       the tupperware.  Now connect wire to the two poles of the lantern
       battery, and place them in the same containers as the poles of the
       magnets/9-volt battery.  You are almost done.  Finally, add just enough
       water to the two pots, and let them sit in the sun and bake like bricks.
       at this point, you have a MAUVE BOX.

  Explaning and Using What You Have:

       The red and green wires have been places into a magnetic field which is
       being charged continually be a lantern battery.  (It is necessary to
       change this battery every one to one and a half months.)  This will
       literaly pull in the nearest phone conversatiion.  (Don't try this in a
       big apartment or dorm.)  When the 9-volt battery is connected, this will
       now create enough current for the poles of the magnets to reverse
       themselves (perhaps you're seen Mr. Wizard do this.  It's just like with
       the soap).  At this point, you have a phone transmitting to one (if not
       more) of the nearest phones.  (Again, if you're in a dorm, don't try
       this.)  I suppose this just accomplishes what a tap would do, but with a
       MAUVE BOX, your fingerprints never will show on a terminal or on
       someones telephone lines.

  Notes and Addendum:

       This will only work with a touch-tone phone connected to a phone line.
       When the switches are pulled, it's off your line and into the air.  This
       is named a MAUVE BOX, becuase this is the most disgusting box, and I find
       mauve to be the single most disgusting colour I know of.  Also, this file
       is for information purposes only.  This is not to be used in an illegal
       manner. Perhaps one of these by the pool, sending to your seth co-author,
       accept no responsibility for your actions with the MAUVE BOX. Thank you..
