Scrambling News Log : December 7

We told you in our last bulletin that as soon as it was announced that there really is a break on the DSS systems that it would leave consumers vulnerable to the scam artists. Individuals around the country are receiving this flyer from Test Card. It appears that those receiving the flyer  responded to ads in Satellite Watch News and other publications.

As we have said, this is a good time to sit back and observe. There is no reputable mailorder source for any DSS fix at this time. I suspect there may be in the near future. Anyone offering a DSS fix from U.S. territory is messing with General Motors, Hughes, Thomson, and the federal government. No one who has a fix would offer it from a mail drop in Toledo. It is even a foolish way to perpetrate a fraud. They don't have any fix and you won't even get anything for your $10. Don't be a Christmas present for these guys.