SA8500-312 Turn On
by G-Man of Group 42
The following procedure will allow the 8500-312 converter/descrambler
to receive all scrambled and non-scrambled channels, even
if it is shut down by the cable company. It is a very simalar
fix to the 8500-321 modification.
Locate the main processor IC on the main P.C. board with the part number
MN1414ETG on it. This is IC305 on the circuit board. Now locate
jumber W310 just below the IC. Cut this jumper and install a .01uf
disk capacitor across the now open jumper. On the lead of the capacitor
closest to the IC, solder a 22K resistor from this lead and connect the
other end of the resistor to pin 21 on IC305. The descrambler should
now properly receive and descramble all channels.
See the 8500-321 modification for trouble shooting information.