Remote Control Repair V1.01
1) Introduction:
Here is the current version of my 'Remote Control Repair Notes'
Author: Samuel M. Goldwasser
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Copyright (c) 1994, 1995
All Rights Reserved
Reproduction of this document in whole or in part is permitted if both
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- This notice is included in its entirety at the beginning.
- There is no charge except to cover the costs of copying.
2) Problems with remotes
- Dead batteries
- Solution obvious.
- Corroded battery contacts
- Wipe off chemical deposits. clean with pencil erase and/or sandpaper or nailfile.
The next few require disassembly - there may be a screw or two or the
case may simply 'crack' in half by gently prying with a knife or screwdriver.
Look for hidder snap interlocks.
- Broken contacts
- Often betweeen battery connections and circuit board - resolder.
- Broken Crystal/Resonator
- These die from shock when remote is dropped - replace.
- Dirt/spills/gunk preventing keys from operating reliably
- Dissassemble and wash rubber membrane and circuit board with alcohol
or soap and water - dry thouroghly.
- Cracked circuit board
- Can be repaired as these are usually single sided with big traces. Scrape
off insulating coating and jumper breaks with fine wire and solder.
- Bad LED
- Replace with readily available high power IR LED.
- Bad IC
- If it uses a custom chip, throw it away! This is
usually quite unlikely. The following is from Duane P Mantick:
An awful lot of IR remotes use IC's from the same or similar
series. A common series comes from NEC and is the uPD1986C which, incidentally
is called out in the NTE replacements book as an NTE1758. A lot of these
chips are cheap and not too difficult to find, and are made in
easy-to-work-with 14 or 16 pin DIP packages. Unless you have no soldering or
desoldering skills, replacement isn't difficult.
There are a large variety of universal remotes available from $10-$100.
For general TV/VCR/cable use, the $10 variety are fine. However, they will not provide
special functions like programming of a TV or VCR. Don't even think about
going to the original manufacturer - they will charge an arm and a leg
(or more). However, places
like MCM Electronics do stock a variety of original remotes - prices
range from $9 - $143 (Wow $143, for just a stupid remote! It
doesn't even have high definition sound or anything exotic). The
average price is around $40.
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