Newsgroups: alt.drugs I read about GABA in _Prescription for Nutritional Healing_, an excellent info source on amino acids and herbs. Very plainly written. I recommend it highly. There's a section on Smart drugs, for those so inclined GABA has been prescribed as a non-addictive alternative to Valium and such, in combination with Inositol and B-3. Being strung about 20% too high, I figured I'd give it a try. First thing I obeserved? It's costly in the dosages recommended by the book. I found a place to order the GABA, inositol, and B-3 seperately, reducing daily dosage cost to about $2. No way I'm packing capsules, so I just pop 2 GABA (900 mil), 2 B-3 (1 gram), and about 2 ts of inositol (2 grams or so) The numbers seem large, but the book recommends this twice a day. Results: Plenty of chill. I seem less annoyed by shit. I sleep like a log, and (?!) remember my dreams. A book on Lucid Dreaming should be an interesting experiment to run concurrently. Combined wiht Pot? I dunno, I smoke infrequently. Alcohol seems slightly magnified. A buddy of mine takes a lesser dosage of GABA in combination with a medium dose of antioxidants, per the same book, as a Smart drug. He reports quicker on-your-feet thinking. 'Course, his story is as anecdotal as mine. A posting here regarding addictive properties and long-range probs with this regimen netted only one reply, by a guy who sounded reasonable, but called himself a generalist and said he was not a pharmacist or chemist. He thought GABA might have some addictive qualities because (I'm fuzzy on the exact wording) a chemical similarity to Xanax, the prescription tranq.