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                         SANDY SANDFORT
 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sender: owner-privacy101@c2.org
Precedence: bulk

Privacy 101 participants,

"Gee," you've been thinking, "it awfully quite on this list."
Too true.  Duncan and I foolishly thought we could keep up the
pace even in light of Duncan's trip to England.  Wrong.

So we're taking a little break until after Duncan gets back
around 25 October.  I'm sure he will be exhausted so I won't
apply the lash for a few days.  Unless we get interrupted by
something like the Second Coming (First Coming for you landsmen),
expect our next lecture around Guy Fawkes Day (one of my favorite


 S a n d y

P.S.  On November 5th the English commemorate the foiling of
      Gunpowder Plot of 1605 with fireworks and other
      patriotic displays.  They celebrate because Guy Fawkes
      was prevented from blowing up Parliament.  I celebrate
      it because he tried.
