Here is a list of frequencies for the island of Oahu, better known as Honolulu, Hawaii. A few outer island frequencies crept in, too. 146.640 Mt. Olomana (EARC) 146.760 Dillingham Field (EARC) 146.760 Wailuku (Maui County ARES) 146.790 Maunakapu (EARC) 146.880 Diamond Head (EARC) 146.940 Mt. Haleakala (EARC) 146.970 Honolulu (EARC) 154.100 Harbor Police 154.220 Fire Dep't - Urban Oahu 154.340 Fire Dep't - Rural Oahu 154.695 HPD Backup Channel 155.070 HPD Wahiawa (F-6) 155.130 HPD Pearl Ctiy (F-7) 155.190 HPD Common (F-1) 155.250 HPD Kailua/Kaneohe (F-8) 155.370 HPD Kalihi (F-2) 155.430 HPD Kokohead (F-5) 155.520 HPD Waikiki (F-4) 155.565 HPD Special Detail 155.685 HPD Central (F-3) 155.730 HPD Communications 156.090 HPD SWAT/Tacitcal (F-9) 161.640 KHVH News/Traffic 444.500 Diamond Head (Emergency ARC) 450.550 K-59 radio News/Traffic 453.700 Medicom (Oahu) 453.850 Lifeguards 453.900 Medicom (Inter-Island) 453.925 City & Co. Ambulance 460.250 HPD Crim Inv Unit (F-1) 460.500 HPD Crim Inv Unit (F-2) 462.075 Hawaii Air Ambulance 462.950 Int'l Life Support - Oahu 462.975 Int'l Life Support