Who is GRAPES?

We're the Georgia Radio Amateur Packet Enthusiasts Society... what a mouth an organization of volunteer amateur radio operators, representing Member LAN's from across the State of Georgia. We've provided documentation and distribution of the WA4DSY 56KB RF Modem Kits since 1987. Our charter is to promote High-Speed Amateur Networking throughout Georgia and to provide a forum for building a Southeastern Regional Network with neighboring st ate-wide packet organizations ( ALANET, TENNET, etc.).

*** The NEW WA4DSY 56KB RF Modem ***

Dale Heatherington WA4DSY, has completely redesigned the 56KB modem and produced one that promises to revolutionize amateur packet networking. The first alpha units were demo'd as the RF packet link between a web server and a client station at the Atlanta Hamfest in July 1995. Beta testing will begin soon in the Atlanta area and run for a few months before the new modems become available as off the shelf, commercially assembled and tested units.

The original WA4DSY 56KB modem will continue to be available for some time in kit form from GRAPES for those of you who prefer to build your own.

The Original 56KB RF Modem Kit

Last Updated: 5 DEC 95, Bob Merritt KA4BYP,