Ericsson EH 237/97

Use at your own risk and responsibility, void in PA USA

Recent info from england, not sorted out yet. (10/16/95)

-//->  The Citronic Cellular Suite :: Ericsson EH237/97  <-\\-

At last the Ericsson software is in wide distribution! Thanks to Phoenix of

CCC for cracking this one. It's been around for a good while now but hadn't

been released to the various p/h bbs's until more recently. Unfortunately,

CCC neglected to include any wiring diagrams for the thing so here they are
for you all to peruse along with a few pointers for running the thing.


::: Loading :::

I am not quite sure why but this software refuses to load if there are any

memory managers loaded. In other words, most of you will need to boot off

a clean floppy rather than your hard drive. To make such a 'bootdisk' use


from the DOS prompt which will format the disk in your floppy drive and make

it bootable. I don't know why this is the case since the Cheese Factory have

never released software with such problems before.

::: The Cable :::

Much the same as for the Sony CM-H333, the software is self-explanatory, the 

only thing you need to know is how to make the cable.


EH97 - View from bottom of phone (Keyboard up):

    ^           ^ ^

    I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

   21          11 8

Where 21, 11 and 8 represent the numbers of the D-plug pins you must connect

to. (ie the leftmost pin of the phone must be connected to pin 21 on the

male 25-way D-plug which connects to the printer port of your PC).


EH237 - View from bottom of phone (Keyboard up):

                  ^     ^ ^

    o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 

                 21     8 11


I have _never_ actually made either of these cables, nor rechipped a phone

with it. Nevertheless, I am told that the way to make the cables is to buy 

a plug-in saver charger (eliminator that goes up the bottom socket) and 

modify that to make your cable from it.

You _must_ buy one with a plug that has adjustable pins. Don't go out and

buy one with pins fixed in certain positions since you need to slide them

along into the positions shown above. Some may be fixed into the plastic

(such as the "Mainline" ones) - Avoid these. If you're lucky the cable to

the cigarette lighter will contain 3 wires. That way you can just cut off

the lighter plug and solder the 3 wires onto your D-plug. Otherwise you'll

need to take your own 3-wire cable from the plug to the D-plug which doesn't

look quite as 'neat'.

You may have heard a rumour about the Ericsson shutting down after too many

ESN changes. I'm afraid I'm not in a position to say either way since I have

never owned one. What I _can_ tell you is that I have a friend who has 

rechipped his at least 30 times with no problems, but I have heard that the

maximum number is around 40. I'd love to hear from anyone who knows the real

answer. It may be worth your while not using one of these phones for boning

a hell of a lot of ESNs on just in case. It's a nice phone to pick up second

hand and use for yourself...

Anyway, good luck and if you have any comments, suggestions, questions

please e-mail them to me at the address below. Hello (as always) to: 

Mr.Dalvin, DaveX, Disk Wizz, Harl, Jono, Huey, Cherokee & Cybernetik.

=(*)=Pulse/Citronic=(*)=                   .[E-Mail:].