Dyna TAC 4000 PROM dump

According to Curtis NAMFAX, this phone MAY be reprogrammable using the Curtis adapter if the NAM is not socketed. NAM reprogramming does not change the lock code. Use the special instructions in the Curtis PR5200B Manual.
Motorola model #F19CTA8832BG     [ancient "boat anchor" mobile]
         serial #289CKS2517      ESN: 8201FA2A
         FCC ID: ABZ89FT5612
         DOC ID: DTKA 109 181 003S
        FCC ID: BFC VTR-8320

EPROM: 27256 (labeled 40C07 Motorola (c) 85)  [dip, socketed]
Gimme this PROM dump and HTML.