Clothespin Switch

Clothespin Switch by the Jolly Roger

A spring type clothespin is used to make a circuit closing switch to actuate explosive charges, mines, booby traps, and alarm systems.

Material Required:
Spring type clothespin
Sold copper wire -- 1/16 in. (2 mm) in diameter
Strong string on wire
Flat piece of wood (roughly 1/8 x 1" x 2")

1) Strip four in. (10 cm) of insulation from the ends of 2 solid copper wires. Scrape the copper wires with pocket knife until the metal is shiny.
2) Wind one scraped wire tightly on jaw of the clothespin, and the other wire on the other jaw.
3) Make a hole in one end of the flat piece of wood using a knife, heated nail or drill.
4) Tie strong string or wire through the hole.
5) Place flat piece of wood between the jaws of the clothespin switch.

Basic Firing Circuit:
       |              |---------------------------\
       |  initiator   |----------\                |      strong
        --------------           |                |      twine
                                 |                |          \
                                 |               _---------_________
                                 |                ---------
                                 |                 |      \clothespin
                         \                /
                                  \              /         switch
                                   \            /
                                    \          /
                                     \        /
                                      +      -
                                     |        |
                                     | battery|

When the flat piece of wood is removed by pulling the string, the jaws of the clothespin will close, completing the circuit.

CAUTION: Do not attach the battery until the switch and trip wire have been emplaced and examined. Be sure that the flat piece of wood is seperating the jaws of the switch.

-----------------Jolly Roger
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