
Bananas courtesy of the Jolly Roger

Believe it or not, bananas do contain a small quantity of _Musa Sapientum bananadine_, which is a mild, short-lasting psychedelic. There are much easier ways of getting high, but the great advantage to this method is that bananas are legal.
1) Obtain 15 lbs. of ripe yellow bananas.
2) Peel all 15 lbs. and eat the fruit. Save the peels.
3) With a sharp knife, scrape off the insides of the peels and save the scraped material.
4) Put all of the scraped material in a large pot and add water. Boil for three to four hours until it has attained a solid paste consistency.
5) Spread this paste on cookie sheets, and dry in an over for about 20 minutes to a half hour. This will result in a fine black powder. Makes about one pound of bananadine powder. Ususally one will feel the effects of bananadine after smoking three or four cigarettes.
                              Table of Weights

               Pounds         Ounces         Grams          Kilos
               1              16             453.6          0.4536
               0.0625         1              28.35          0.0283
                              0.0352         1              0.001
               2.205          35.27          1,000          1

(from the Anarchist's Cookbook typed by Jolly Roger)
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