imgTECH/IV imgTECH/IV is a shareware product. Shareware is a distribution method which gives users an opportunity to try software before buying it. If you try imgTECH/IV for a reasonable trial period and continue using it, you are required to register. The registration fee is $20.00 US plus shipping and handling. When you register as a user of imgTECH/IV: 1. We will send you a diskette containing the latest version of imgTECH/IV and its documentation personally registered to you. 2. You will be informed of updates to imgTECH/IV, which will be made available to you for a nominal fee to cover production costs. 3. You will be informed of other products by imgTECH. International copyright laws apply to imgTECH/IV. imgTECH retains all rights to imgTECH/IV with the following exceptions: 1. You are granted the right to copy and distribute free of charge the imgTECH/IV package, complete and unmodified. 2. Shareware distributers may charge a nominal fee for distribution of the imgTECH/IP package, as long as the recipient is informed that the fee paid does not relieve the recipient from paying the registration fee for imgTECH/IV if the recipient wishes to use IV. Anyone wishing to distribute imgTECH/IV for remuneration or as part of another system must first contact imgTECH at the address below for authorization. imgTECH can then ensure that the distributer is kept up to date with the latest version of the software. Users of imgTECH/IV must accept the following disclaimer: "imgTECH/IV is provided as is. imgTECH disclaims all warranties expressed or implied. imgTECH makes no guarantee that imgTECH/IV is suitable for any given purpose. imgTECH assumes no liability for any damages, direct or otherwise which may result from use of imgTECH/IV." imgTECH Box 31436, Robie St. Halifax, NS, Canada B3K 5Z1 email: