This is version 1.37 of the Pari/Gp system for the Macintosh. the file SAGp-1.37.sea.hqx is a binhexed version of a selfextracting Compact Pro archive containing a stand-alone version of the Gp program named SAGp. It is compled for a Macintosh with at least a 68020 processor and requires a two megabytes partition. The same file contains also the manual in TeX format. It is possible to compile smaller versions of Pari, or versions running on a 68000, or MPW Tools versions. You need for this to get the other file Pari-1.37.sources.sea.hqx which contains all the sources and Makefiles needed to build them under MPW. It is probably possible also to build with THINK C but this will require you to recompile all standard libraries with the 'ints are 32 bits' option enabled. Also some files are too large for the THINK compiler and will need to be splitted. The file contains also the MPW tool built with the same parameters as SAGp (that is 68020) but the size of the pari stack in the tool version is user-selectable. The changes in this new versions are too numerous to be given in full here. Here are a few (refer to the files Newin1.37 and Changes for details). New programs have been added to compute galois groups, class groups, unit groups and regulators. A tutorial has been added to the manual. Many new graphics functions (we won't try to compete with Mathematica on this one!). I intend to write a semi-real Macintosh version of Gp someday, perhaps using MacApp, but don't expect it too soon as before refer comments and bug reports on pari to and for problem concerning the macintosh version to myself: all versions may be downloaded in Europe from in dist/pari Marseille, May 21 1992