CA Simulator 2.5 - README file ========== See the file "Installation" for information on how to compile Cellsim, and set things up so you can make your own rules easily. ========== Here is a partial list of the files and subdirectories found in the present directory: changes: A list of the changes made to Cellsim from version 1.0 to 2.5. doc: Directory containing documentation on how to use the Cellsim SunView program, how to generate your own CA rules, etc. The "cell.doc" file in that directory is the main documentation for Cellsim. src: Subdirectory containing source code for the Cellsim SunView tool. Contains a file "source.doc" explaining the programs contained therein. socket: Subdirectory containing two C programs which explain and use the socket connection features of Cellsim. README: Listing of files (this document). Rules: Subdirectory containing some sample transition-table files and object-code files that demonstrate various CA rules. Images: Subdirectory containing some sample image files to go with the various rules supplied. Cmap: Subdirectory containing some colormaps. Rule_src: Subdirectory containing some C programs that were used to generate some of the rule transition-table files and object-code files. Rule_mdir: Subdirectory which contains C code used to generate lookup-tables when you are writing a C routine to generate a transition-file. CM2.tar: A tar-file containing the source-code and related files to generate the Connection-Machine part of Cellsim.