kaos written by Swan Kim and John Guckenheimer POSTECH and Cornell University All rights reserved. 1/1990 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the world of "kaos," a dynamical system toolkit!!! This package is the product of years of research and development efforts by the authors in investigating a set of problems in dynamical systems. The kaos toolkit provides a user-friendly, efficent graphic interface to a collection of numerical and graphical tools for investigating dynamical systems. Sophisticated numerical algorithms are enhanced by an easy-to-use interface, and kaos provides the means to save and manage data in a manner which is both fast and concise. The kaos package is both general and flexible. Users may define their own dynamical system by editing a single subroutine. The first attempt to install a new dynamical system into kaos is usually completed in about thirty minutes. Many other apsects of kaos are also customizable. The program has slots for various algorithms and procedures to be installed by the user. This is by no means a finished product. We expect to add many new features in coming months. The beta version of the package is planned to be released in the summer of 1990. We welcome comments on the program design and suggestions to improve the package, as well as bug reports. Correspondence may be addressed to kim@marcy.tn.cornell.edu kim%marcy.tn.cornell.edu@cornellc.bitnet gucken@mssun7.msi.cornell.edu