Short: 3D Object Conversion/Manipulation Type: gfx/3d Uploader: Author: T3DLIB_Exe_R41.lha This archive contains the 68000 (No FPU) executables and documentation for T3DLIB, Revision 41. T3DLIB is a Shareware 3D Object Conversion package and programmer's library. T3DLIB reads and writes Imagine Object and Staging files and reads and writes ASCII text versions of these called T3D (Textual Three Dimension Data Description) files which can be edited or algorithmically manipulated. T3DLIB also consists of a number of output filters, including: DXF, FrameMaker MIF, NFF, OFF, PoV-Ray, PostScript isometric wireframe, Rayshade, and VORT formats. T3DLIB also contains "t3d.lib" and its source that programmers can link their applications with to load, save, and algorithmically modify 3D objects. T3DLIB is Copyright (C) 1989-1993 by Glenn M. Lewis.