PBMPlus version 10dec91 Amiga release For information what PBMPlus is, how to install it etc, read the file `amiga.readme' from texts.lzh. DISTRIBUTION ------------ To make distribution via networks and floppy disks easier, this software package has been split into several parts. The complete package consists of 12 lharc-archives and two text files: 1) texts.lzh 20140 bytes some text files, read them! 2) pbmbin.lzh 344008 bytes PBM binaries 3) pgmbin.lzh 215829 bytes PGM binaries 4) ppmbin1.lzh 340719 bytes PPM binaries, part 1 5) ppmbin2.lzh 185992 bytes PPM binaries, part 2 6) pnmbin.lzh 292389 bytes PNM binaries, part 1 7) tiffbin.lzh 102387 bytes PNM binaries, part 2 (tiff binaries) 8) scripts.lzh 5186 bytes Unix shell scripts 9) manuals.lzh 99121 bytes Unix-style online manuals 10) extra.lzh 49172 bytes some bonus goodies 11) amigasrc.lzh 19089 bytes diffs & Makefiles 12) contents 23403 bytes listing of the archives 1-11 13) update1.lzh 13654 bytes minor bugfix to ilbmtoppm 14) README 3557 bytes this file This package may be distributed freely, with the following conditions: * The ENTIRE package must be distributed UNCHANGED. Compression with common archivers like zoo or lharc is allowed. Remember, this condition does apply to ALL forms of distribution, be it via floppy disks, BBS'es, electronic networks (FTP sites), or other means. * Distribution may only be on a NON-PROFIT basis. The distributor may only charge for media and postage costs, and a MINIMAL copying fee. For disk-based distributions, the total fee/disk (including media cost, but not including postage) may never exceed DM 5.00 in Germany or US$ 5.00 (or an equivalent amount in your local currency) outside Germany. For other MAGNETIC media (like streamer tapes or SyQuest's) the copying fee (not including media costs or postage) may never exceed DM 2.50 or US$ 2.50, respectively. Distribution on NON-MAGNETIC media (like CD's) is not allowed without my written permission. * Distribution via electronic networks or BBS systems is allowed if those systems make no copyright or ownership claims to uploaded software and do not charge for downloading other than standard online costs. * Inclusion in any commercial software package is not allowed without my written permission. * Likewise, distribution on any magazine disk is not allowed without my written permission. As always, Fred Fish has explicit permission to include this package in his wonderful "Fish Disks". HOW TO GET THE SOURCE AND UPDATES --------------------------------- The original source is available via anonymous ftp from: ftp.ee.lbl.gov : pbmplus*.tar.Z wuarchive.wustl.edu : graphics/graphics/packages/pbmplus/pbmplus*.tar.Z export.lcs.mit.edu : contrib/pbmplus*.tar.Z The newest Amiga version is always available via anonymous ftp from: ftp.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de []: /pub/amiga/pbmplus Ingo -- Ingo Wilken, CS Student, Univ.of Oldenburg, FRG | You mean I really did all of wilken@uniol.uucp (..!uunet!unido!uniol!wilken) | dat stuff? Now dat explains Ingo.Wilken@arbi.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de | why my head hurts an' why I wilken@uniol.zer IRC:Nobody OL:ingo@faramir | feel so bad! -Snarf