Photogenics HAM8 screen grabs ----------------------------- These pictures are screen grabs from Photogenics, the new image-processing / paint package from Almathera. Photogenics can work on 8-bit AGA screens as well as a mode known as "Fast HAM8". This is a fringeless HAM mode which allows real-time painting. Photogenics runs on a public screen, so it is possible to retarget other applications to its HAM8 screen. These pictures demonstrate some of the advantages of HAM8 / Fast HAM8. photo1.ham: An ordinary Photogenics screen with multiple HAM8 pictures, as well as a GIF. Note the "natural media tools" brushes. photo2.ham: Photogenics, with Cygnus Ed and TurboText opened on its public screen. Also open are TurboText's shell and programmer's calculator. photo3.ham: Similar to photo2.ham. Note that Photogenics remains style-guide compliant on a HAM8 screen, down to its file requester. photo4.ham: MultiView opened on Photogenics' public screen. The active window is Multiview running an IFF-ANIM file using the Anim datatype from OS3.1. Incredibly, the animation runs, without fringing, on a HAM8 screen at speeds no different than on an 8-bit AGA screen.