To all graphicians: ------------------- Hey you, do you paint graphics and/or animations ? Or do you raytrace graphics ? Then contact me. Maybe we will make together a demo, a game or just for fun ....... Andreas Schneider Prof. Drueck Str. 38 72666 Neckartailfingen Germany Tel. +49 (0) 7127/22608 Fax. +49 (0) 7127/3760 (are there still some C-64 freaks ??? Do you remember ? WOT,Offence,Traitors,NATO,Sharks,Shape,....) To the game: ------------ This is only a In-Work-Version of the game. Most of the gameelements are still missing and there are still some bugs (e.g. please disable the cache on A4000 and use NO AGA). In the game you can press F1 for the Speed-Mode (limited time) (try it), P for Pause, ESC for a new game and Q to leave the game. Credits: Graphics by Ralf 'Ernie' Schueler Intromusic by Ralf Himmelskoetter Gamemusic by Frank Scheffel Coding by Andreas 'Yup' Schneider Go out of most to go on.