Newsgroups:,news.answers From: Subject: [*] Roleplaying mailing lists and digests part 1/2 Followup-To: Originator: Keywords: roleplaying games, mail digests, bitnet mailing lists, administrivia Nntp-Posting-Host: Reply-To: Organization: The Ohio State University Date: Fri, 4 Dec 1992 15:42:28 GMT Archive-name: roleplay/part4 Last-modified: 10/7/92 MAILING LISTS AND DIGESTS part 1/2 In addition to, there are a number of mailing lists and digests on the net which may be of interest to role-playing enthusiasts. The difference between a mailing list and a digest is that a digest is collected, edited, and distributed by an editor, while a mailing list simply forwards all incoming mail to a list of subscribers. Mailing lists tend toward high volume with many digressions; digests tend toward low volume with high signal-to-noise ratios. Note that some forums are available only for a monetary charge. I do not wish to include them in this posting, and will not do so knowingly. I appreciate anything you can tell me about the forums in this resource list. Contents: *The RuneQuest (tm) Digest MULTI USER DUNGEON (MUD) List Flashlife The Tekumel Digest The Elfinkind Digest The Pern Digest Stafnord RolePlayers (digest) BattleTech digest Fimbulwinter Newsletter Abandon Babylon ADND-L GMAST-L ROBOTECH - Robotech Mecha Listserv Group Conflict Simulation Games List SHADOWRN -- discussion of the Shadowrun fantasy game Digests ------- Name: The RuneQuest (tm) Digest Contact: RuneQuest-Request@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM (Henk Langeveld) Trouble: Henk.Langeveld@Sun.COM List: RuneQuest@Glorantha.Holland.Sun.COM Status: Active Archived: FTP from Runequest Digest archives (q.v.) Automated access via GRASS-SERVER (q.v.) Info Updated: 21-Jul-1992 Notes: The RuneQuest Digest is courtesy of Henk Langeveld (Henk.Langeveld@Sun.COM). It is a collection of articles, discussion, and source material for use with Chaosium's RuneQuest fantasy role-playing game. In July 1992, list maintenance has been taken over from Andrew Bell ( who started it as the RuneQuest Digest back in 1988. Current plans are to automate the separation of "Discussion" and "Digest" as introduced early 1992. Under this regime, the Discussion would become the plain mailing list, would be an automated mail relay, while reserving the Digest for longer articles and collections of Discussion articles. Name: MULTI USER DUNGEON (MUD) List Contact: Status: Active Info Updated: 4-Apr-1991 Notes: If you are new in the MUD world, or are simply looking for new places to get into, try subscribing to Internet Games MUD-List today! Make sure to include the string "mud list" in the subject header. Name: Flashlife Contact: (Carl Rigney) List: Status: Active Archived: Mail from Info Updated: 15-Aug-1991 Notes: A Digest for GMs of Shadowrun and other cyberpunk roleplaying games to discuss rules and scenarios, ask questions, make up answers, and similar fasfax. Name: The Tekumel Digest Contact: List: Status: Active Archived: anonymous FTP from: in /rpg/tekumel (uncompressed) in /pub/frp/tmp (compressed) in /pub/rpg/uploads (compressed) Info Updated: 15-dec-1991 Notes: This mailing list exists to discuss the world of Tekumel, the fantasy world invented by M.A.R. Barker in the roleplaying games "Empire of the Petal Throne" and "Swords and Glory", and the DAW novels "Man of Gold" and "Flamesong". Anything related to Tekumel is welcome: game modifications, accounts of campaigns, questions, fiction, tables, NPCs, tips for converting to new game systems, etc. Listeners as well as contributors are welcome. This list is in digest format and is mailed when submissions warrant it (weekly if possible). Name: The Elfinkind Digest Contact elflist@lorbit.UUCP (R'ykandar Korra'ti) Status: Active Info Updated: 2-Apr-1992 Notes: I run a small mail-based digest for elves and interested observers. It has been in existence for a couple of years now, but has not been posted about in public before. We have an open membership policy, so if you're interested in being added to the distribution list, please let me know. Details will be made available upon request. Name: The Pern Digest Contact List: Status: Active Info Updated: 15-Mar-1992 Notes: For those who are interested: the Pern digest is now in existence. It's still in its very early stages so bear with the moderator -- it'll take time to get going. Please put "Pern" or "Pern mailing list" in the subject of any messages you send Malcolm about the mailing list/digest. Name: Stafnord RolePlayers (digest) Contact: (Pierre Uszynski) List: No automated mailing. Send to the contact/editor. Archived: Partial, no automated access yet. Info Updated: 6-Mar-1992 Notes: Stafnord RolePlayers (SRP) is an open informal gaming group dedicated to role-playing games on the San Francisco peninsula (California, USA). SRP itself does not organize games, the game masters do. SRP provides a forum for scheduling games, finding players, finding game masters, sharing worlds and systems, etc... SRP generates a weekly newsletter to keep everybody aware of upcoming and ongoing games. We email 3 pages weekly, plus supplements at the beginning of new games. Name: BattleTech digest Contact: (Glen Davis) List: No automated mailing. Send to the contact/editor. Archived: mail to Info Updated: 2-Apr-1992 Notes: This list is a forum for the discussion of Battletech and related games such as Renegade Legion. Mail messages are grouped and mailed out periodically. Name: Fimbulwinter Newsletter Contact: Trouble: List: Status: Active Archived: All. Request in mail. Info Updated: 24-Sept-1992 Notes: Fimbulwinter is a playtester newsletter dedicated to discussion of Ysgarth and To Challenge Tomorrow from Ragnarok Enterprises. It includes a question and answer section, articles on world background, examinations of game mechanics and previews of upcoming releases. It was originally conceived and designed as a newsletter for playtest groups, but it is now also available to the general net public. It can also be subscribed to in hard copy at $5 for 4 issues from Ragnarok Enterprises at POB 140333, Austin, TX 78714. Name: Abandon Babylon Contact: Trouble: List: Status: Active Archived: All. Request in mail. Info Updated: 24-Sept-1992 Notes: Abandon Babylon is a topical news and info zine on Popes & Princes and other strategy games from Ragnarok Enterprises. It includes a question and answer section, articles on world background, examinations of game mechanics and previews of upcoming releases. It was originally conceived and designed as a newsletter for playtest groups, but it is now also available to the general net public. It can also be subscribed to in hard copy at $5 for 4 issues from Ragnarok Enterprises at POB 140333, Austin, TX 78714. Mailing Lists ------------- The next few items are BITNET mailing lists. To join any of them, send a mail file to the CONTACT address where the first line of the mail file consists of the command: SUBSCRIBE (e.g. "SUBSCRIBE GMAST-L John Doe") Your successful subscription request will prompt the list-server to send you a mail message with complete information on how to sign off the mailing list and make other changes to your subscription. Read it and keep it, or you'll be kicking yourself later when you're snowed under by mail and don't know how to stop it. Send actual submissions to the LIST address. Do NOT send requests to sign off, requests for help, etc. to the list--you'll only succeed in annoying people. Do not send submissions to the contact address; it is a simple-minded program which will reject them. Name: ADND-L Contact: LISTSERV@PUCC.BITNET List: ADND-L@UTARLVM1.BITNET Status: Active Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991 Notes: The ADND-L mailing list is for the discussion of all aspects of TSR's Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) and Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (AD&D) role-playing games. A full archive of this list *might* be available through LISTSERV on UTARLVM1. Name: GMAST-L Contact: LISTSERV@UTCVM.BITNET List: GMAST-L@UTCVM.BITNET Status: Active Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991 Notes: The GMAST-L mailing list was originally created for the development of computer RPG aids, but it metamorphosed into a mailing list covering the concerns of the role-playing game GM (Game Master). Pretty much every role-playing game on the market has been discussed at some length, as have the various facets of ole-playing game design. (Most D&D discussion goes to ADND-L, however.) Limited archives are available, if you know how to use the LISTSERV database search functions. Name: ROBOTECH - Robotech Mecha Listserv Group Contact: LISTSERV@USCVM.BITNET List: ROBOTECH@USCVM.BITNET Status: Active Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991 Name: Conflict Simulation Games List Contact: LISTSERV@UALTAVM.BITNET or List: CONSIM-L@UALTAVM.BITNET Status: Active Info Updated: 1-Feb-1991 Notes: CONSIM-L is a new list to provide an unmoderated environment for discussion of historical conflict simulation games, particularly the games published in Strategy and Tactics and Command magazines, but also including boxed games from such publishers as The Avalon Hill Game Company, Victory Games, and Game Designers Workshop. The explicit purpose of CONSIM-L is to provide a platform for discussion of recently published games, but discussion can range over the general topics of conflict simulation design, military history, tactics and strategy, game collecting, convention and club announcements, or any other topic related to conflict simulation games. As is the case on all unmoderated lists, the discussion and topics are only limited by the participation and interest of its subscribers. Subscribers are welcome to take an active role by posting and/or an inactive role by monitoring the list. Although not necessary for participation, it shall be assumed that all subscribers are basically familiar with board wargames. Name: SHADOWRN -- discussion of the Shadowrun fantasy game Contact: LISTSERV@HEARN.BITNET List: SHADOWRN@HEARN.BITNET List Owner: Brett Barnhart Status: Active Info Updated: 4-Mar-1992 SHADOWRN is a list for the discussion of the game Shadowrun. This can be questions, comments, stories (fluff), anything to do with the game Shadowrun. Archives of SHADOWRN can be listed by sending the command INDEX SHADOWRN to LISTSERV@HEARN.BITNET