Welcome to the alpha version of Campaign Manager 1.0! This program was created to aid GMs of as many diffferent types of role playing games as possible. However, the tables that I have created for the distribution version will work mainly with AD&D. I also created a table of the Rolemaster critical charts. New tables can be created for other systems and used with this program as well. This is a project which I have been wanting to work on for some time and I finally found the time this Christmas. Remember this is the alpha version so it may have some bugs. If you have any suggestions, comments, or constructive criticisms please post them to REC.GAMES.FRP.DND under the heading CAMPAIGN MANAGER and I will try to incorporate them into the next version of CM. Also, if you create any tables for CM please upload them to an archive site so others may use them as well. The Database command has not been implemented in this version. I am still trying to figure out how I want to do it. The NPC generating portion of this program only generates NPCs for AD&D. I may try to add generators for more systems or wait and hope that BC++ will allow DOS DLLs. In the meantime I am sure some enterprising individual will come up with a table file that will generate a character for other gaming systems. Here is a section of the help file that deals with the commands: Commands are in the format: [Expression] Verb (Tail). where [] denotes optional parameters and () denotes a list of parameters. Expressions are standard infix expressions with +,-,*,/, and the d (Dice) operator. The dice operator is used just like you would think. 2d6 rolls two six-sided dice for a total of 2-12. The d operator has the same precedence as the * and / operators. Parenthesis are also allowed in expressions. The allowable verbs and tails are: LOAD FileName This command loads all macros in the file "FileName.MAC" into memory. This does not delete macros currently in memory. LU FileName SubName Lookup an item from subtable "SubName" in a file named "FileName.TBL". Dialog boxes will pop up asking for a value in a certain range. When an item has been determined it will be printed. Example: lu dmg2 main MACRO MacroName "MacroString" This command creates a macro named MacroName. When MacroName is typed by itself on a line the MacroString is executed. A blank MacroString will cause the macro MacroName to be erased from memory. Example: macro test "3d6;""\n"";3d8" 1d5+1 test NPC [Race] [Class(/Class)] [Level] Rolls an NPC based on specified information. Race can be one of: Class can be one of: dw Dwarf fi Fighter el Elf ra Ranger gn Gnome pa Paladin ha Halfling mu Magic-User he Half-Elf cl Cleric hu Human dr Druid th Thief ba Bard Level can be any integer from 1 to 32767 (monty-haul). Example: 3 npc el fi/mu/th 20 SAVE FileName This command saves all macros in memory to a file named "FileName.MAC". TABLE FileName SubName Roll an item from a subtable named "SubName" in a file named "FileName.TBL" Example: 2d6 table dmg2 main Multiple commands may be entered if they are separated by a semicolon. Example: table dmg2 main;table curses main P.S. Unfortunately I don't have posting access to the newsgroup -- so would the first person who downloads this program who has access to the newsgroups post a message. Thanx... S^2