AGE.ZIP 10254 12-19-86 Age, analyses your "medical" age verses your | real age. ANALYZE.ZIP 19509 08-18-86 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Personality | profile. BIO201D.ZIP 35409 07-06-86 PC Biorhythms, v. 2.01. Maximize your | potential through biorhythm analysis. By | Eggshell software. BITE10.ZIP 45157 09-19-89 Bite by Byte, v. 1.0. A diet system, the | 'Structured Eating System'. By Jonathan S. | Mark. DSM3R688.ZIP 83243 07-30-88 DSM-III-R. Provides a computer assisted | method for exhaustive diagnosis of mental | disorders. For children or adults. By John | Flowers. EMOTION.ZIP 43719 08-11-87 Keirsey Temperament Sorter, V. 2.0. | Psychological profile. By P. Johnson. FOOD.ZIP 63367 01-26-86 Nutricise, v. 1.12. Quick and accurate diet | and exercise analysis. By G.C.G. Software. PALMREAD.ZIP 66830 12-17-88 Palm Reader, v. 1.0. Displays a graphic palm | and the lines on it with a multiple choice | selection for you to choose from to describe | your "hand lines". By Richard Gozdal RUNLOG.ZIP 65690 06-12-89 The Runner's log, an accurate Log of all | training and competitive runs. SMOKING.ZIP 22746 07-14-86 Why Smoke? Analysis & comparison of smokers. TAROT.ZIP 38523 08-14-86 Tarot. Tarot reading. By R. K. West. WEIGHT.ZIP 1707 07-14-86 Weight analysis. (Basic src.)