| Write your own Internet home page.
The Internet PowerWEB is a comprehensive collection of shareware freeware and public
domain documentation, tools and examples for HTML (HyperText Markup Language) the
language used to create documents for the Internet. The PowerWEB set gives you the
programs and knowhow for publishing on the Internet. You can create your own homepage
and build a World Wide Web site as you please!
Here is a glance at what you'll get on the PowerWeb CD:
- On-line HTML tutorial
- NCSA's Beginners Guide to HTML and URL
- HTML Quick Reference
- Composing Good HTML by Eric Tilton
- Introductions to HTML Documentation
- The HTML Documentation by Dr. Ian Graham
- Base & Address elements, Section headings & Paragraphs in HTML
- URL Specifications and Recommendations
- The Official HTML Specifications by Tim Berners-Lee
Tons of example pages, icons, CGI Scripts, and Web Ware Accompanying the CD-ROM is
the Internet PowerWEB Book which includes an HTML tutorial and reference and index
sections for the CD-ROM. The PowerWEB CD and book combination will have you looking
good and creating great scenery and places of interest on the Information Highway in a
matter of hours!
Click here to order!
Price: $29.95
Released: August 1995