195963 10-17-92 Crossword Power, v4.25. Create, print out | and solve crossword puzzles from your words | and clues. Words can be manually or | automatically placed in the puzzle grid. | Auto-search can quickly create over 200 | different word arrangements to find the | puzzle with the most words. By Terry L. | Jepson. 227242 12-04-93 CROSSWORD POWER Version 6.00. Create | crossword puzzles from your words and | clues. Words are manually or automatically | placed in the puzzle grid. Auto-search can | examine over 200 different word | arrangements to find the best puzzle. | Puzzles can also be saved as WordPerfect | 5.1 macros. Requires 512K and DOS 101680 04-05-92 Enigmacross, v1.0. Acrostics puzzle | program with sophisticated graphical | interface and all letter transposition and | cross- referencing done for you! By Sam | Bellotto Jr. 819850 04-02-95 Taking the find-the-word games up a notch, | Excel-FND is an entertaining audio and | visual logic game that is sure to keep you | going for hours. Knock words off the | puzzles and view 256 color pictures...but | watch out, there's a time limit..and | letters are dropping off like flies! From | Excel Progs. (SWREG #'s inside archive). 81856 06-13-92 KrisKros, v1.5b. KrisKros is a game for | one to four players. The object of the game | is to form words by placing letter tiles on | a grid (similar to a crossword puzzle). By | Robert M. Hirbernik. 272024 06-14-95 Madlibs: The Next Generation version 1.0 | Shareware (c)1995 Theodore K. Schundler. | Madlibs have risen from the confines of | paper and ink to a new dimension of | computers. 189071 12-20-93 * PHRASE is a NEW & DIFFERENT type GAME * A | combo of Wheel Of Fortune & Hangman. User | can make 5 PHRASE files from easy menus. | Options: On-Line Help, Hints, Peek, Mouse, | 256 Colors, ScoreCards, Editing Menus, and | More! 96199 11-07-93 VGAWHEEL V.1.91 Wheel of | Fortune/Hangman type word game.- A 'Wheel | of Fortune'/Hangman type of word game for | VGA. Features: a colorful spinning wheel, | 1-3 players, 5 rounds, sound on/off, auto | win after all letters used, opt. mouse, | hi-score table. 1000 puzzles, 13,000 | w/registration. 130316 12-04-93 VOCABULARY POWER Version 2.00 (ASP) | Automatically create matching and multiple | choice quizzes, word searches, cryptolists, | vocabulary bingo cards, flash cards, and | word juggles from your words and clues. | Word list files are 100% compatible with | CROSSWORD POWER from WISCO Computing 326468 02-05-92 Wordtrix!, v1.0. Tetris-like, teaches | selected phonic patterns. Phonograms, vowel | pairs or a 'silent e' fall into 'word | frames' at the bottom of the playing area. | Over 100 full-color EGA picture clues! By | Tea Time Software. 93021 01-03-94 Fill-in-the-Word type puzzle program. The | program can create an extensive number of | puzzle programs of different types and | skill levels. A list of words can be | entered to create a personalized puzzle. | Greate for teachers and publishers. 477965 06-08-95 Wonder Word 1.1 The spelling game with | Zipper the monkey 78946 04-26-92 Mega Mind Maze 1. Guess the word from | clues. By Pedro Miguel Tavares. 233865 11-01-93 WORDLE v1.0; Challenging word game from | Soleau Software. The objective is to spell | as many words as possible from a grid of 25 | random letters. There are many ways to | play, either with variable time limits or | by number of words spelled. Wordle has its | own dictionary of over 80,000 words, score | cards, and much more. The game will provide | hours of entertainment for all ages! | Requires EGA/VGA 375154 06-18-95 WordWiz Version 3.0d Advanced Crossword | Puzzle Construction System 295402 01-20-94 CROSSDOWN V2.8D SOLVE AND CONSTRUCT | CROSSWORD PUZZLES- Solve and construct | pro-quality crossword puzzles on your | computer. Mouse-driven, colorful graphic | interface features animation, sound | effects. Easy to use. High-res printer | output in a variety of formats. Automatic | puzzle numbering. Games, Word SAM BELLOTTO | JR. 170616 02-01-95 THE DAILY CROSSWORD, Ver 2.0 is the | ultimate in DOS based Crossword Puzzle | compilers. 157406 12-09-93 Bible Crossword Puzzles - Attractive VGA | game. Solve electronic crossword puzzles on | your computer. Answer peek, save work | options featured. Requires mouse, VGA & | hard disk.