Monitor Magic ----------------------- Copyright 1990, David Becker GEnie mail to D.Becker8 I find the Atari colour monitor very hard on the eyes during extended computing sessions. Most terminal and word processing programs default to a bright white background with black text, just like staring at a light bulb! If you share my discomfort with the colour display then I recommend you purchase the Atari monochrome monitor with its increased resolution and soft white glow. Alternately you may want to try Monitor Magic! Place Monitor Magic in the root directory of your boot drive and it will install itself as a desk accessory. The first thing Monitor Magic does is check to see which monitor you are using. If you happen to use the mono monitor then your only option will be to invert the screen colours (no big deal!) If you are using the colour monitor then you will be presented with three options upon selecting Monitor Magic from your desk accessory menu: -------------- Amber Screen -------------- Default -------------- Green Screen -------------- Go ahead, try it out! The amber and green options convert the colour display to green or amber text on a black background. Woo.....just like a PC! "Default" returns the desktop to its original colours with one exception, the obnoxious bright lime green background has been replaced with a soothing ocean blue, lovely! I hope you get a kick out of Monitor Magic. It is freeware and you use it at your own risk. Enjoy! Dave Becker GEnie D.Becker8