Cologne , West Germany , July 4 , 1988 ---- This file is a translation of the original German README file, written by Max B”hm, the author of this exceptional public domain program. Translated by COLONIUS. Comments made by the translator are within brackets. MAXIDISK.PRG installs a resetproof ramdisk, which compresses the files stored in it. It is usually possible, to store about 750 kB in a 500 kB ramdisk! This version works with all versions of ROM based TOS, including the new Blitter TOS of the MEGA STs. Any memory size, up to 4 megabyte, is supported. (Although it makes little sense to use a ramdisk on a 512 kB system.) MAXIDISK.PRG should reside in the AUTO folder on your boot disk, although you may also install the ramdisk from the desktop after booting your ST. (In this case you should rename the program to MAXIDISK.TOS, since it is not a GEM application and will cause trouble if started as one. It must, however, carry the .PRG extender to autoboot from the AUTO folder.) The first thing MAXIDISK.PRG does, is to check if there is already a MAXIDISK installed. In this case, you are informed about the size and the assigned partition name and the installation terminates. After this, MAXIDISK checks for MAXIDISK.INF on drive A and B (if started from floppy) or on the logical drive (partition) it was started from. {Paul Varn note: If MAXIDISK.INF is not found, you are requested to enter a size and partition letter.} If you would rather abort the installation of the ramdisk after starting MAXIDISK.PRG, simply hit return without entering a numeric value when prompted to enter the desired ramdisk shˆ@ÏÏžO€¹¹°³²;´¶64·37¹6<·º†…:40º:4290¶²4¹µ;°¹77º4·9º0¶62²……'·1²:42& ¬$¢$©¥4¹4·9º0¶62²4º4¹92¹²º897·³*44¹6²°·9:40º:42…1÷¿:2·:97ó:4290¶²4¹µ;´¾69º¹;4»2:4292¹²º77º:42294»2¹897³¹0¶…4º9²¶3,·º6º¹º9º0¹:& ¬$¢$©¥—()#0³:2¹092¹²º:7120±62:70±±²¹¹:42…20º04·:4290¶²4¹õ—$³<·º30´¶:7279·–:429to be copied. Note that the author stated that COPY.TTP SHOULD be in the boot root directory. SHOULD is really a MUST or COPY.TTP will not be found! To figure a rule of thumb for the size ram disk to make, calculate a ram disk about 20% smaller than tha total number of files for a rough start. After copying, see how much room you have left and then make adjustments. Some of the size you create is used by the program. A hint to MAXIMIZE ram disk space. Set your file selector (or desktop) to display files by SIZE so the largest files are sorted to the top. This way, the largest files are copied first down to the smallest files. As the files get smaller, Maxidisk optimizes more. You might get two 250k files into a 400k ram disk. If you had one 250k file, and 8 25k files, you'll get them all in there with room to spare (up to 40% compression). I've seen situations where I've put in a 10k file when there was 20k left in the the ram disk, and saw afterwards that there was 18k left. To get this results during boot-up, copy these files to the folder to be copied with your system set to display size. COPY.TTP will copy the largest first. Final note: This wonderful program has been around for a couple of years. Although I've distributed it widely in my area, it hasn't caught on for some mysterious reason. I've seen every PD and commercial ST ram disk, and in my opinion nothing compares to this. ----------------------- END OF FILE ----------------------------