DATEFILE.DOC Documentation for Datefile.prg Version 1.0 08/28/88 Since GEM has no easy way of changing the date/time attributes of a file, I decided to put a small program together to do just that. You can change either the date or time attribute or both. Either way, it is simple as pointing, clicking and typing in the new values. Datefile is easy to use and can be run on either a color or monochrome ST system. There are no special memory requirements. To run: Make sure that Datefile.prg and Datefile.rsc are located in the same directory. Double-Click with the mouse on Datefile.prg . A gem menu will then be displayed with prompts for the following items: 1. Which file to change. 2. NO TIME and NO DATE change buttons for versatility. 3. TIME and DATE input boxes. 4. AM or PM selection boxes. Change item 2 by clicking on the appropriate box. A selected box will prohibit that item from being changed. Change items 3 by clicking within the appropriate box and typing in the desired value. If you are changing the time, change item 4 by simply clicking on the appropriate box. Next click on 'CHANGE WHICH FILE ?'. The file selection menu will be displayed and allow you to select the file you wish processed. Once the file has been selected the selection menu will disappear and a message telling you that the file has been selected will be displayed. Once all the selections have been made simply click on the box marked 'OK' and the file will be processed as requested. Once the file has been processed, a new file can be selected or the user can end the program by clicking on the button marked 'QUIT'. That's all folks. ----------------------- Revision history: 08/28/88 - Original - Version 1.0 ----------------------- Michael Albo S. 1418 Bluff Dr. Spokane, Washington 99206