In this download are three files that aid in the backup process for the Atari Portfolio. The first file is a batch file to be run on a MS-DOS PC with the C: disk including following directory structure. C:\--Atari--System L__Bup To use put the Portfolio in server mode and invoke PFBACKUP.BAT on the PC. It copies the previous backup of the Portfolio to C:\ATARI\BUP in case something goes wrong then clears the C:\ATARI and C:\ATARI\SYSTEM folders. Then it transfers all files in the Portfolio C:\ and C:\SYSTEM folders to the PC. I have used this with a Zenith Z-183 laptop for several weeks with no trouble. To automate a restoration of Portfolio files after a FDISK or other loss of files use PFRESTOR.BAT If the restore is only partial you will be prompted by FT.COM (the Atari supplied file transfer program) as to whether to overwrite the file on the Portfolio. The use of the BUP directory provides a place where one can find a previous version of a file, and since no delete operations are directed there it can serve as an archive as well. The last file is SIZE.COM which is a slightly modified version of ATSIZE.COM a public domain PC Magazine (Sept. 1985) utility by Art Merril. It will calculate the number of bytes occupied by a particular file spec. For example, SIZE *.WKS will display how many bytes are occupied by spreadsheet files. Also it computes the space required using 256 byte clusters for RAM Card storage, and using 2048 byte clusters for PC hard disk storage. Notes: 1. The .BAT procedures assumes FT.COM to be in C:\. 2. C:\ATARI and C:\ATARI\SYSTEM should not be used to store anything other than the Portfolio files. (put the .BAT files and FT.COM in C:\) 3. Modify the .BAT procedures to include any additional subdirectories you create on the Portfolio. Mark Matlock GEnie [M.MATLOCK]