Rules for Dozen Object Attempt to get all 25 numbers in the 5x5 grid equal to 12. Method You are able to change all the number in a column (labeled A,B,C,D,E) or row (labeled F,G,H,I,J) by using the simple math functions of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. Some simple rules must be observed. 1) No result of a math operation may total greater than 99 or less than 1. 2) No division may produce a fractional result. You are prompted to make your selections You do not have to use capital letters. Lower case will do. Also, no are needed. Just type you choice and the program will prompt your next entry. If you make a mistake the computer will prevent you from completing an operation. It will indicate what mistake you made and start your move again. How You Make Selections First you are requested to select a row or column (A-J). Any other choice will be rejected. Then you select an operation. A=add, S=subtract, M=multiply and D=divide Then select the number you will add, subtract, multiply or divide by. Example Let us say that the board looks like this: A B C D E F 6 12 56 88 96 G 22 44 9 91 18 H 3 34 18 90 45 I 61 70 93 38 77 J 88 14 33 72 62 You decide to change row "F" So you Imput "f". Then you decide you will add 2. So push "a" and then then number "2". The computer will change Row F to: F 8 14 58 90 98 Note that you cannot add 2 again since the 98 would be grater than 99. Also you coulld not subtract 9 since the 8 would become -1. No multiplication is possible since any result greater than 99 is not allowed. You could divide by 2 but not 3 since no fractions can result. There are more starting combinations than Rubic's Cube (25^100). But if you're good you can solve the puzzles consistently in under 60 moves! Good luck. Any comments or questions to: CIS 72325,614 - George --------------------------------------- User Interface The four arithmetic operations are on the keys:- = add (+ with no shift) - subtract . multiply / divide No operation is done until a digit key is pressed. So to add 12 to column A you only need to press 4 keys:- A = 6 6 You can take back a move by pressing the backspace key. You can give up by pressing 'q'. Then a menu offers:- C(ont, H(ist, R(eplay, Q(uit: Continue resets the board for another game. History plays through the previous game. After each move makes the next move or 'q' gives the menu again. Replay restores the board so you can try and solve the position again. Quit quits. Hugh Satow, March 1992