STARSHIP is a Degas picture for medium resolution that I have created using Seurat. It is my standard background picture for Neodesk, but I think you can also use it with Easel ST. The black boxes correspond to the Text-Box of the desktop Icons, this makes it very easy to fit them in neatly so that if they are not selected, a white border will mark them. Here's a tip for those that have a lot of desktop icons with Neodesk : I created a standard icon for all those little utilities that I would like to call using "shift-letter-letter". Now I put all those onto each other in one box. This saves space and still gives you the opportunity to use a keycombo to call them. Its sort of "hotwiring" Neodesk without running out of desktop space, especially if you're in low or medium resolution. You're only limited by the number of letters in the alphabet that can be used. I hope you enjoy this pic, how about uploading some of your own ?