PATTERNER 1.3 BUG sheet---------------------- 1) Error in MIDI Macro Compiler: If rightmost editor coloumn is filled system crashed when COMPILER was run.(Don't use $ff) fixed: 6/14/90 ----------------------- 2) Update: POS - display in VBL Blank IRQ fixed: 6/14/90 ------------------------ 3) Update: TICS button removed from MAINPAGE. Now called by clicking over TICS display in GRID EDITOR fixed: 6/27/90 -------------------------- 4) Update: Select Beat removed from MAINPAGE. Now called by clicking over current BEAT info string on GRID EDITOR fixed: 6/27/90 ---------------------------- 5) Error: When loading a SYSTEM the VEL 0 = NOTE OFF flag wouldn't be set according to file contents. fixed: 6/27/90 ----------------------------- 6) Update: Addition of optional internal SOUNDCHIP output. Also shutoff of keyclick to avoid sound salad. fixed: 7/11/90 ---------------------------- 7) Error: In CYCLES make INTERNAL-ptr (for internal SOUND) accessible to CYCLES. Some new CYCLE routines. New MIDI output routines fixed: 7/17/90 ----------------------------- 8) Error: Playback on TOS 1.0/1.4 would crash because use of illegal OS ptrs (MIDI In routine/XBIOS RND). Reprogrammed MIDI In within PATTERNER. fixed: ? ---------------------------------------- 9) Update: Integration of Registration Number/Keydisk Concept. (V1.35). Details see ASSEMBLE.TXT fixed: 10/29/90 ----------------------------- 10) Error: In MIDI Macro Compiler: If cursor was moved to rightmost position and then press INSERT. Crash (BUS). Range override check! fixed: ? ------------------------- 11) Error in COLOR: In SCALE EDITOR.RSC note name field: GEM TXT field was one character too short). Octave number doesn't show! fixed: 11/3/90 ------------------------------- 12) Update: BEAT MICROCOMMANDS: VELOCITY UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT are now active on selected SOUND CHANNELS only! fixed: 11/3/90 -------------------------------- 13) Longknown error: If PATTERNER run under Quick ST II accelerator our custom cprt_line2 routine gets the wrong font ptr, although we get the documented LINEA font ptr (84). Working on fix (11/4/90) fixed: 11/11/90 (used other font ptr-84 is for current display font only) ------------------------------ 14) Update:(V1.35mono/color05) If TIC CYCLE contains a REMOTE Update routine it will try to update the screen a lot. At speeds 100+ all other inputs, keypresses mouse buttons etc. are ignored. Emergency brake installed in VBL-coordinate display. Press ALT/SHIFT LEFT to surpress _personal messages from CYCLER to MULTI_LP. Keep pressed then press . (Done by checking $e61 byte which contains SHIFT status in TOS 1.0 1.2 and 1.4). fixed: 11/19/90 ------------------------------ 15) Update/fix(V1.35mono/color07) If you try to load a BEAT BANK containing BEATS assigned to SCALES or MMACs out of range the thing will crash because an bus error-existent structures). Fix started 11/24/90. Fixing BEAT load routine. b) Same thing with PATTERNS referring to non-existent BEATS and SONGS referring to non-existent PATTERNS. NOt yet done! fixed with routine ASS_CHECK in #DISK:11/28/90 There will be AES-ALERT boxes if any out-of range error occurs. Checking is done after every completed screen redraw (i.e. whenever something was deleted/added or else) New Version:1.3mono/color09 ---------------------------- 16) Error: In CYCLER assembly. When using #values on PUSH, AND..etc routines where bit 31 is set (i.e.:PUSH #38000) this led to abort of compilation. End of .SRC file is $FFFFFFFF and was tested by bmi.s. Now: cmp.l #$FFFFFFFF,(ax). fixed:12/2/90(V1.35mono/color10) ------------------------------- 17) Fix: RANDOM routine in SUB.Q file was not randon at all. We used raw 200 HZ timer ($4ba) in a non-random way. Has been fixed using the XBIOS RANDOM routine in 16bit version. fixed:12/3/90(V1.35mono/color11) ------------------------------- 18) Error: MIDI Receive signal acting strange. Error was located in MIDSTAT: routine in SUB.Q. Source was copied directly from OS $FC2044. DOOFIMAT didn't want lea $FFFFFC04, needed lea $FFFFFC04.l! fixed:12/8/90(V1.35mono/color12) 18b) Receive Screen Signal was removed from MIDSTAT #SUB Signal now in midi_ws routine and reversed after every CMD-byte. fixed:12/8/90(V1.35mono/color12) 18c) MIDI In routine now in VBL IRQ area. Signal is provided by showing all MIDI bytes written to buffer by their hexnumber. Also pclr_string (the one which clears the playback message) has been extended to clear playback string, MIDI In signal and playback signal. fixed:12/9/90(1.35mono/color12) -------------------------------- 19) Error when wrong resolution. Exit from AES box caused crash. Reason was that AES objects haven't been OBFIX'ed before. fixed:January 91(1.35mono/color13) -------------------------------- 20) Error after leaving INSERT KEYDISK Box with ABORT. Happened because IRQ's were already inserted and not restored when exiting. fixed:02/18/91(1.35mono/color14) -------------------------------- 21) Error detected on David Humprey's ST with TOS 1.4: Emergency Brake from within playback pressing ALT/SHIFT left wouldn't work. Since this was checked in VBL IRQ we used $e61 vector to check shift keys. However, in 1.4 shift keys are at $e63. This has been moved out of the IRQ right after the Multi_lp with a kbshift BIOS. fixed:04/12/91(1.35mono/color15) -------------------------------- 22) Error detected by Felix Wolfe on Demo Disk. When receiving any MIDI stuff while loading IRQ routine will try to write data to not yet initialized buffer. Buffer MALLOC set before IRQ installation. fixed:04/20/91(1.35mono/color16) -------------------------------- 23) Another error by Wolfe! SCALE Editor Box received ANY MIDI data which means if hooked up to a YAMAHA keyboard selected channels would be set to incoming gibberish constantly! MIDI input routine completely rewritten. ALL MIDI input now come in via IRQ interrupt and ONLY let MIDI Note Ons go through. Future updates may see an extension of the MIDI In filter at this spot! fixed:05/04/91(1.35mono/color20) -------------------------------= 24) Screen Redraw strange when using accessories. When an opened ACCessory would try to display an error message PATTERNER would let the message through (display box) but instantly perform a redraw thus covering the box up! Problem fixed by WIND_UPDATE(#1) before and WIND_UPDATE(#0) after redraw sequence. fixed:05/13/91(1.35mono'color21) ----------------------------- 25) Little side fixe: Complete screen redraw after exiting SONG/PATTERN editor box. (clr.w dial_flag). fixed:05/17/91(1.35mc10) ---------------------------- 26) Two little fixes:After exiting wrong resolution/insert keydisk jumps corrected. fixed:05/21/91(1.35mc11) ---------------------------- 27) Two new added BEAT MicroCommands went wrong: Inc.Velocity+Rnd.Velocity didn't address correct bytes fixed:06/18/91(1.35mc12) ---------------------------- 28) Major Update Spring 1992: Introduce real-time scrolling if using scroll bars in all AES boxes. Create one version that runs on MONO/MEDIUM ST systems. This is not yet complete! V1.532 6/17/92 ---------------------------- 29) Major Interface lift Finishing MONO/MEDIUM combined version. Fixing code and redraw problems V1.539 7/12/93