PATTERNER 1.35 Assembly Check List ---------------------------------- As of 4/16/91 PATTERNER 1.35 AES Preselection and alteration list --------------------------------------------------- AFTER transferring .RSC file into .Rxx,.Oxx,Txx,Sxx files using TRANSFER.TTP 1.34 and transferring .H file into .EQU using EQUMAKE.TTP make the following changes to the text files: (Preselect means to set SELECTED bit) 1) Preselect OSELSLOT ;CYCLER Box Slot Selector 2) Preselect OVEL8 ;VELOCITY Box Default button 3) Preselect OMMCNO0 ;KMAC Box button 0 4) Preselect OBMIC1 ;BEAT Microcommand 0 5) Preselect OBMICSING ;BEAT Microcommand single 6) Preselect OAMIC1 ;SCALE Microcommand 0 7) Preselect OAMICSING ;SCALE Microcommand single 8) Preselect OBBBEAT32 ;TICS Box default button 9) Preselect OMFILOFF ;FILTER Box off button 10)Also find OPROTBNO OPROTBNA OPROTBCI and keep their 'specxxx' numbers. Then look up 'txtxxx' numbers in specs (.Txx file) and prepare text fields by entering '@' in the first position (texts are found in .Sxx files). PATTERNER 1.35 Registration Number and Name/Address scheme ---------------------------------------------------------- This copy protection scheme uses data contained in an non-executable Boot sector on the program disk. This makes it necessary to back up a complete disk (instead of file copy) Start PATTERNER. If first use the Registration box will appear. Enter correct number (which appears on the first page of the manual right below the Copyright Note). This Number is different for each disk. When the disk is sold it contains its individual Reg.Number a) on a sticker in the manual b) in the boot sector of the PRG disk at offset position 34-41 c) it also contains the Key-Disk ID at 120-123 in the boot sector which is 'pAtt' When the PATTENER is being tried to load it checks the boot sector of disk A (the disk it's on). If it doesn't find the Key-Disk ID (c) you will get a message telling you to insert the Master/Key disk. If the Master disk has been init'ed already program runs. When the disk is loaded for the first time it will find this data at offset 30-33 in the boot sector: $f0f0f0f0, telling the PATTERNER that it is not initialized, yet. The registration box pops up. Enter correct number/name/address. If Reg.Number not identical DONE brings you back to the box. If Number is OK this happens: 1) A copy of the Reg.Number is written at offset 42-49 to the boot sector 2) The contents of the Name field are written to offset 50-84 in the boot sector 3) The contents of the Address field are written to offset 85-119 in the boot sector 4) The $f0f0f0f0 not-initialized value is replaced by $f123456f. This designates the disk as initialized. Master disk boot sectors are created by using the BOOT_SEC.TTP program. This creates the Master Disk ID and writes a individual (entered) Reg.Num to the disk. It also lets you look up if a disk has already been init'ed and if yes what Reg.Num it has.