Graphiti Fun! by Chet Walters FREEWARE! Upload any where. Just keep the text file and the pic that came with the accessory _WITH_ the accessory. ***** CAUTION! KEEP FROM FIRE, SPARKS OR OPEN FLAME ***** ***** USE IN A WELL VENTILATED ST! EXCESSIVE USE MAY ***** ***** RESULT IN A SORE MOUSE FINGER AND FACIAL MUSCLE ***** ***** FATIGUE (from smiling). PROLONGED EXPOSURE MAY ***** ***** CONCEIVABLY RESULT IN A EUPHORIA THAT WILL CAUSE ***** ***** YOU TO FORGET ENTIRELY THE PROJECT FOR WHICH YOU ***** ***** INITIALLY BOOTED YOUR ST IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!! ***** Directions: * Store in the root directory of your boot disk. * Keep at room temperature but out of direct sunlight. * To use, click on GRAF_FITI FUN under the Desk menu. For Best Results: Shake the can vigorously before initial spray. Apply only to a dust and oil free screen. Hold the can about six inches from the desktop (the default) and press the left mouse button. Apply with even strokes. Remember, to avoid runs and sags, apply several light coats and not one heavy one. Don't hold the can over a single area for too long but keep it moving with an even motion. For a larger but lighter spray area, hold the ALT key down which moves the can about 12 inches from the surface to be painted. This also reduces the risk of runs and sags. You must also be careful when painting an area that is largely the same color as that which you are applying. It's often difficult to see just how much spray you are actually putting on in this case and risks of runs are increased. Alas, our chemists have worked diligently on the problem, but like most spray cans, this one will, at times, run unpredictably. To change to another color of paint, press the CONTROL key lightly once. The color of the can matches the contents. The number of possible colors matches the current resolution and it works in them all. To spray a rainbow tweed effect, hold the LEFT SHIFT key down. Rainbow paint does not run due to its quick drying nature. Clean up is easy! No muss no fuss! Press first and hold the ALT key then press the CONTROL key. Anything you have applied will quickly disappear. Except for the menu bar. That's an especially sticky area and what goes on the menu bar will usually not come off the menu bar until you execute a program or exit the one you're currently working in. DANGER: Though it is unlikely that you could ever swallow some (you'd probably choke on the disk first), should you happen to ingest any of this accessory, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING! Just take two LS 373 chips with black coffee and call a BBS in the morning. Use or misuse of this accessory is totally in the hands of the end user. This programmer cannot assume responsibility for any loss of time (or your job if the boss catches you) that you might incur by using this neat little ditty. A less 'runny' and more permanent version of this spray tool can be found in Dr. Bob's MVG version 1.19j or higher. A demo of MVG can be found on GEnie as file #12983 or on CHQ BBS in Ohio at (216) 758-0284 called MVG_DEM4. MVG is the ONLY monochrome graphics editing tool for the ST which saves bit graphics larger than the visible screen in MAC format compatible with both versions of Spectre TRANSVERTER and MAC PAINT (tm). MVG is the only bit editing tool that has a CLIP=OBJECT utility a sample of which resides with this arc. And much more! ****** Thanks for supporting the ST ShareWare Market! ****** P.S. And, yes, I know that graffiti is not spelled "Graphiti"