Dec 8, 1989 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ------------ A game by LucasFilm Games ----------------------------------- |Solution written by Eric Tremblay| | Compuserve I.D. 73117,460 | ----------------------------------- Please keep in mind while working with this solution to save your game often. Hope that you enjoy this solution feel free to drop me a line at my I.D. number above. Everything starts in the gym, a little practice in the boxing ring never hurts but then again your Indiana Jones and the journey to the Holy Grail is long so there is no time to waste. Exit the gym, you are now in the hallway, go talk to Marcus. Tell him anything you like its not important. Now enter your class and tell the angry students... "Just a moment, folks I'm sure we can work something out." "Please relax. I have a solution that is fair for everyone." "Irene, take down names and I will see everyone in order." You are now in your lab... Pick up the Junkmail, then the letters, then the papers, then the package. Open the package and you will find your fathers Grail Diary. Head for the window, open window, once outside the window you will be intercepted by two men who work for Mr. Donavan. After your little meeting with Mr. Donavan, it's time to go to your fathers house so click on Travel and head for Henry's House. At Henry's house look around and make yourself at home. Once this is done pull on the bookcase that is on top of another and look very carefully, there is a small (very small) piece of tape that is stuck in back of the bookcase. Pick up the sticky tape and also pick up the painting of a cup (Grail) in Henry's room. Now leave Henry's house and enter the open window that leads to your lab. In your lab, notice a jar on the shelf, open the jar and use sticky tape in jar. Magic a small key, close the jar and go back to Henry's house. In Henry's house, pick up the small green plant on the table and pull the table cloth, use the small key to open the chest, in the chest pick up the old book, close chest, leave Henry's house. Now save your game before we take the plane for Venice. I called my game "In the US before Venice" but you can call it anything you like. Venice ------ Ah, Venice, once there the lovely Dr. Schneider will escort you to the library. In the library you first have to find a Metal Post, so find it and pick it up, you will pick up the red cordon automatically. In the library try, I mean find two books on of them is called "How to fly a biplane" and the other is "Mein Kampf" it's a first edition written by Hitler. Now look in your Grail Diary (The one in the computer) and pay close attention to the details of the window, then look at the real window and when you hit the right one (They are all different) it will say at the top of the screen "It looks JUST like the picture in the Diary!" and when its not the right window it will say "It looks very similar to the picture in the Diary!" When you finally find the right window, save your game and start breaking the slabs with the metal post until you hit the right one which will lead you to the underground caverns. My saved game is called "In the library before the cavern". You are now in the caverns go to location 2 on the map and Pick up Arm, notice that you now have a hook in your inventory. Go to location 1, at location 1 go to the other tunnel and go to location 4, at location 4 Push Manhole Cover and go outside. You are now in Venice, go to the left, there you will find Lovers, look at their Wine Bottle, then Pick it up. Head back for the manhole and go to location 5 on the map. When you have arrived at location 5, use the wine bottle with water. Your wine bottle is now filled with water. Go to location 1, then use wine bottle with torch, next pull the torch... You are now at the * on the small map numbered 2. Head for location number 7. This is the place under the plug of location 5, cross the stone bridge and visit the little room on the other side and take note of what the inscription say. Go back on the bridge and Use Hook with Wooden Plug, then Use Whip with Hook, now head for location 6 and climb the ladder. Once you climbed the ladder you will be at location 3, now go to location 5, the water is all drained. Climb down and go into the tunnel. You are now on map 3. Enter location 8 in order to use the machine, use the red cordon and then use the wheel. Now go to location 9, once arrived save your game and then look at your Grail diary (in the computer) and by pushing the statues flip them until you get the configuration labelled "correct" and the door will open. You are now in the stairs of map 3, go to location 10 and cross the bridge, then go to location 11 then go to location 12. This is the room with the skulls, now we are going to have to play some music with the skulls, look at your Grail dairy (in the computer) and play the notes on the skulls. Once the door is open find your way to the tomb by using map 5, open the casket, look at casket and enjoy! Exit chamber by opening the old rusty lock on the grating. Go outside by climbing out of the manhole. Brunwald Castle --------------- You as Indiana Jones have arrived at Brunwald Castle, go inside and knock-out the servant. G1: Dressed as Indy "Hello, and how are you?" "May I get you another drink?" He will give you the Stein, go fill it up at location one, then use the Stein with the hot coals, wait a moment for the smoke to clear, then get the Roast boar. In location 3: Pick up the servant uniform. G2: Dressed as Indy "Where is the prisoner?" "Gestapo. Special investigations. I'm Dietrich's successor." "How do you know about that? Are you leaking information?" G3: Dressed as Indy, meet Corporal Kruger "Hi! I'm selling fine leather jackets like the one I'm wearing." "I've got authorization. How else would I get here?" "15 Marks. Just the thing for guard duty on cold nights." Go to location 4 on the second floor and open the chest, in the chest you will find some money. Save your game, enter the other door in there is a gaurd this will lead you to the hallway which in turn will lead you to location 7. In Location 7 of the second floor you will find a brass key in a uniform. Use this key to unlock the grey uniform in location 3 of floor number one. Using the same passage go get your uniform at location 3. Now come back and meet gaurd 4 (G4) but this time dressed as an officer, give this gaurd the painting. OR... G4: Dressed as Indy "Quickly, out of the way, I have a message for the colonel!" "Good for you! I'm glad you asked." "I'm condusting a test of security." "Excellent! You've passed. You may get a promotion!" G5: This is one of the guard's that you have to beat up. Knock'em down Indy... Or dressed as an officer try not to get to close and you can pass by him in his back. Now go to location 8 and get the first aid kit, use this kit only when nessesary because it does not last forever... Before you climb the stairs and go to location 9, find yourself a private room and change into your uniform that you got at location 3, but before you get there you will meet guard number 6. G6: As an officer "Soldier! Your pants are wrinkled!" "And no time to remove the stain on your jacket?" "Sauce? You buffoon! You waste my time, stand aside!" At location 9 (The office with the dog) Give roast boar to dog, pick up trophy, open file drawer, look pass, pick up pass, close drawer. Now go to location 1 on the first floor (the kitchen) and fill the trophy full of ale, on your way back stop at location 6 (The painting storage room) and go to the far left of the room, there is a large painting of the Mona Lisa, push painting, open vault door and go take a look inside. Remember that you have to be dressed in the same way that you met the guards the first time, if your not dress the same they will recognize you and you will be in trouble. Go to the third floor (map 8) and go meet Biff (G7). G7: As an officer, meet Biff Offer an item: Trophy full of ale. G8: Throw a punch until he's knocked out, use the first aid kit if your health is REALLY LOW. At location 10 of the third floor get the key on the chandlier. Then go to location 11 and open the door with the key. Open the window and go outside, go right or left and get into a window, Ah! Henry's here, (on the map location 12 is Henry's cell but it can be any one of the three top rooms in this section . The same thing goes for the red cabinet.) open the red cabinet, you found some Marks, close the cabinet. Go outside and and renter the open window, once in the hall go to the next door (12) and open it with the key. The alarm will ring and the gaurds will come. Offer the gaurds the OLD BOOK. The gaurds will think its the Grail Diary. You are now held captive in location 2 of the first floor, save the game here as a security measure, trust me! Now pull the chairs until you reach the suit of armor (the one near the fireplace) then aline Indy's hat (the tip of the hat) with the handle of the hachette. Make sure the end of Henry's feet are at the edge of the red carpet. The push the suit of armor and prey that you are at the right spot... If your still alive push the statue on the left hand side of the fireplace and exit the castle. Use the motorcycle to escape. The Airport Terminal -------------------- There is an old man reading a newspaper, place Indy on his left and then switch to Henry and place Henry to the right of the man. Using Henry talk to the man, "Tell me about your grandchildren" then switch to Indy and steal the man's tickets that are sticking out of his pocket. Save your game then exit the terminal. In the next section of this game can be solved by two different methods. The first way, The Zepplin (Bad Choice) Go in the Zepplin, give the tickets to the man. Using Henry, go to the far end of the Zepplin near the piano, use coins in bowl, as soon as possible switch to Indy and open the door then open cabinet pick up wrench. When you finally get rid of the radio operator, use wrench in hole, use wrench (A ladder will appear) climb the ladder, you are now in the maze and my the force be with you because I'm not... The second way, The Biplane (Good Choice) The Biplane section is very simple (almost) print-out the file called cockpit because you will need it. Once out of the airport terminal head for the biplane and follow the instructions carefully. Note: on instruction number 2 it says pump oil pressure handle three times, but be careful because in order to pump it three time you have to click on it six times. After the plane crash, get the blue car and you will encounter seven security gates, if you have the right words the gaurds will let you by... In this section of the game it is very possible that the gates do not appear in this order so be warned. The First Gate "But of course, how silly of me." "I am but a lowly worm." "I bet you could have me shot!" The Second Gate "That is out of the question." "The only papers I can find are these Marks." "Let me see how much I have" "Here is 50 Marks." The Third Gate "But of course, how silly of me." "Of course, I'm sorry. You must be a busy, important man!" "Am I that obvious?" "You're just too perceptive." The Fourth Gate "My authorization? You insult me!" "You talk this way to a senior officer?" "Soldier let me pass IMMEDIATELY." The Fifth Gate "That is out of the question." "Keep it down! This man with me is Gestapo!" "You have my word of honour. Trust me!" "That is your final word?" "Perhaps you'd better break it to him." The Sixth Gate At this gate you have two options, the first one is to fight him and the second one is to give him 150 Marks. The Seventh Gate "That is out of the question." "Keep it down! This man with me is Gestapo!" "You have my word of honour. Trust me!" "You spurn my trust? An insult!" "Soldier! Do you realize you are out of uniform?" "New orders have come through concerning uniforms." "If you want to argue with Captain Kleist, you can..." You have now arrived at the final part of this adventure. Save your game at this very moment because passed this point you won't be able to save your game. Now enter the temple. The Three Challenge -------------------- #1 "The breath of God, only the penitent man will pass." At this challenge look on page 56 of Henry Jones Diary, and remember that X marks the spot. #2 "The word of God, only in the footsteps of God will he proceed." This challenge is very simple, only step on the letters that are contained in the word that blinks in the "quotation marks" above the screen. Example "JEHOVU", only step on the letter J, E, H, O, V, U Until you reach the end. Here is the complete diagram. _______ _|U|X|A|_ | | |E|K| | _| |B|O|H|J|_ |S|H| |T|V| |P| |E| |T|E| |Q|R| |N|H|A| |U| |S| |O| | |C|F|E| | |J|E| |R|B| |V| |R|M|H| |D|H| | |D|J|I|G| |H| | | | |E| |E| |J| |A|R|N|E|H| |L| |J| |U| |Q|O| | |F|H|H|E| |A|F| |V| | |P|H| |N| |G|J|X|B|I| | | |R|O|U|A| | |O| | | |H| |D| | | | | | |E|Z| | | | | |I|J|G| | | --------------- #3 "The path of God, only in the leap from the lion's head will he prove his worth." At this place click on the proper spot on the other side of the raven. You are now(?) in the chamber where the Holy Grail is kept, now chose the Grail wisely... *** Congratulation on completing *** **** Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade ****