============================================================================== CYBERDROME HOVERJET SIMULATOR - DEMO VERSION FOR ATARI ST,MEGA ST,STE,TT REQUIRES: MINIMUM 1-MEGABYTE RAM, COLOR MONITOR, AND DS DISK DRIVE OPTIONAL: RS-232 NULL MODEM CABLE OR 1200-9600 BAUD MODEM FOR 2-PLAYER MODE ============================================================================== Copyright (c) 1992 RHEA-FX CYBERDROME is a Registered Trademark of RHEA-FX CYBERFORCE and HOVERJET are Trademarks of RHEA-FX ============================================================================== Created By: W. Joseph Rhea and David J. Rhea RHEA-FX ============================================================================== Published exclusively by: Fair Dinkum Technologies P.O. Box 2 Los Alamos, NM USA 87544 (505) 662-7236 voice (505) 662-3787 fax ============================================================================== This is a Demo-Version of the CYBERDROME Hoverjet Simulator, for the Atari line of personal computers. It is designed to introduce you to the world of CyberDrome, and to help you determine whether or not you have "what it takes" to become a Cybernaut. This Demo may be freely distributed as long as all text files accompany it unchanged. ============================================================================== FILES THAT SHOULD BE SUPPLIED ============================================================================== PRINTABLE TEXT FILES: INTRO.TXT Introduction to CyberDrome Demo (this file) KEYS.TXT Keyboard layout for Atari Computers COMM.TXT Communications listing for 2-player mode FDT_NEWS.TXT General information BINARY FILES: CBD_DEMO.PRG CyberDrome Hoverjet Simulator Demo CBD_DEMO.A11 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.A12 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.A13 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.A14 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.A15 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.A16 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.B11 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.B12 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.B13 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.B14 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.B15 CyberDrome file CBD_DEMO.B16 CyberDrome file ============================================================================== LOADING INSTRUCTIONS ============================================================================== Cyberdrome may be executed as either a standard PRG file (the default) or as an autobooting ACC file. To run Cyberdrome as a standard PRG file, first set your computer to ST Low Resolution mode, insert the Cyberdrome disk and then locate and double-click on the CBD_DEMO.PRG file to begin the program. If you wish, Cyberdrome may be installed and run from a hard disk drive simply by copying all of Cyberdrome's files to the same directory (folder) on your hard disk. NOTE: Be sure to disable any screen savers or software accelerators as these may interfere with Cyberdrome's graphics displays. Also note that Atari TT users _must_ execute Cyberdrome as a PRG file. To run Cyberdrome as an autobooting ACC file, insert the Cyberdrome disk and then locate the CBD_DEMO.PRG file. Rename this file to CBD_DEMO.ACC and then reboot your computer to automatically load and execute the Cyberdrome simulation. NOTE: CBD_DEMO.ACC is _not_ designed to function as a desktop accessory and will not execute from a hard disk drive as an ACC file. If running Cyberdrome from a floppy diskette, please leave the diskette in the drive for duration of game as it will be accessed periodically. ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== WELCOME TO CYBERDROME CYBERDROME is the name of a Virtual Universe existing inside a permanent Memory-Matrix that houses thousands of growing and evolving "Artificial Life" programs. It was designed to be a place where humans could interact directly with these intelligent programs using Virtual Reality (VR) Simulators. This once peaceful space is now under attack by rogue programs built by a virus- infected Supervisor Program called the CyberDrome Jurisdictional Enforcement Routine, or CJER (pronounced "SEE-jer"). All of CJER's army of mutated programs have been contained within a small area of protected Memory that is now designated as the Infected-Program Zone (IPZ). The mission of the CyberForce has been to prevent these programs from escaping the IPZ, and if possible, delete all programs controlled by CJER. You can help us do this by running the program CYBERDROME Hoverjet Simulator on your personal computer. This program will build a realistic scale-model of CyberDrome's IPZ inside your computer's RAM, and allow you to "enter it" using a 3-dimensional program construct called the Hoverjet. Your Hoverjet Construct is modeled after a light-armored magnetic-lift vehicle. It is equipped with the latest in program-deletion weaponry, as well as some of the most advanced defensive subroutines ever made. It is can alter its physical configuration between Armor Mode (double shielding) and Hyper Mode (maximum speed of 400 mph!). CYBERDROME Hoverjet Simulator is a real-time interactive training simulation that is based on the computer-war training techniques developed by the CyberForce Academy. The CYBERDROME Hoverjet Simulator was designed to develop team strategies between two pilots. To achieve this, this simulator will link with any other computer running CyberDrome, using either direct-connection (with an RS-232 cable) or by 1200-9600 baud modem. This will allow both you and another person to enter the same sector of CyberDrome, and take on CJER's program army as a TEAM. Since most of you will not be able to find a Team- partner right away, we have provided a computer-controlled Hoverjet Pilot (designated "Cyber-3") who will "keep you company" when you are in SOLO Mode, by cruising around the main Memory-Grid serving as your Power re-supply ship. Today the Academy is in desperate need of skilled computer pilots. Patrolling the growing boundaries of the IPZ will require hundreds of Cybernauts, and the skills required to operate a Hoverjet, as well as fight intelligent attack programs for extended periods, are not found in everyone. It is hoped that by giving away free Demo simulators like this one, future pilots will be incouraged to purchase the full CYBERDROME Hoverjet simulator so that they can begin their training early, and perhaps one day be selected to join the ranks of the CyberForce. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== MISSION PROFILE ============================================================================== You have been assigned one "Training" Cluster along the Eastern Boundary of the Infected-Program Zone. CJER has modified the IPZ Clusters to operate on a Charge/Attack Cycle. During the Attack Cycle, large Predator-Class Programs will be attacking your CommPort Base. The Charge Cycles are used to recharge the Predators, and this is when you will be able to go after the Memory-Mine which has been established in one of the outer Sectors. This Memory-Mine will contain a Transmitter which must be deleted in order to complete your Mission. As you are digitized into the Base of your CommPort, you will see another Hoverjet transport in, directly in front of you. If you are in SOLO Mode (single player), this other pilot will be Cyber-3; a computer-controlled Power re-supply ship. If you are in 2-Player Mode, this will be your partner. To exit the CommPort, head "south" down the central passage to the flashing blue-white wall; this is an Exit-Gate which will take you up to the main Grid. Right now this Cluster is in its "Charge" cycle, which means that you have about 30 minutes before a Predator Program begins it's attack on your Base, so use this time to go out and locate CJER's Memory-Mine. The entrance to the Memory-Mine will be located in one of the outer Sectors; look for it's bright RED Data-Beam and follow it to the source. To enter the Memory-Mine, just pass into it's Data-Beam and you will be dropped down into the Sub-Grid mining tunnels. During the Charge Cycle the Mine entrance will be protected by Seekers Missile Programs and Raider Pursuit Programs, so make sure your shields are on and try using your Cannon Pulsars to delete them. In this Training Level, the Transmitter will be located very close to your beam-down location. It will be protected by one Security-Gate. There will be a Gate-Access Key located in one of the nearby passages; it is a cube-shaped object and can be located by the increasing pitch of your key-locator beeper. Passing over the Key-cube will load it into your inventory. Now place your Hoverjet directly in front of the Security-Gate and press your Gate-Access key (see keyboard Layout); this will open the Gate. In front of you now will be the Transmitter. Firing your Vertical Pulsars at it up close will delete it and cause the entire base to begin a self-destruct cycle. Turn around and quickly head down the passage to the Exit-Gate (flashing blue-white wall) and leave the Mine before it blows up. When the Mine deletes itself your Training Mission will be over, and you will be brought back to the "real" world. At this point you can press "R" to restart the Demo Mission if you want. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THIS DEMO AND FULL SIMULATION ============================================================================== 1. The model of CyberDrome generated by this Demo Simulation is less than 5 percent of the size of the Full Simulation. 2. Full Simulation contains 7 Mission Levels and each level contains 3 active Memory-Mines. This equals 21 detailed Memory-Mines to explore and attempt destroy; this Demo Simulation has only one "Training" Mission level which includes only one "relatively simple" Memory-Mine to explore. If you enter CyberDrome with another player in TEAM Mode, the layout of the Memory-Mine will be different and a bit larger, although the tactics for deleting the base will be the same as in SOLO Mode. 3. Full Simulation contains 3 types of Predator-Class Attack Programs; 1. BANTAM - modeled after a cross between a flightless bird and a human, 2. SPIDER - modeled after a black-widow spider, 3. MANTIS - modeled after a Praying Mantis. This Demo Version contains only a Class-1 Bantam. 4. Along with the 7 "War" Missions, Full Simulation allows Team Players to compete against each other in a series of training exercises, including a race course where you are allowed to shoot at your opponent; this Demo Simulation allows only a single 1 or 2-pilot War Mission. 5. 30-page Users Manual which includes detailed mission profiles, Hoverjet technical specifications, graphic dashboard layouts, graphic keyboard layouts, CommPort base maps, and tips to make you a better Hoverjet pilot. 6. Convenient "data folder" packaging allowing easy accessibility and storage of your CyberDrome disk and manuals. ============================================================================== ============================================================================== ORDERING INFORMATION ============================================================================== CYBERDROME Hoverjet Simulator is available from your local dealer or can be ordered direct from; Fair Dinkum Technologies P.O. Box 2 Los Alamos, NM USA 87544 (505) 662-7236 Price: $39.95 + $3 shipping to US and Canada ($7 foreign) Check, Money Order, MasterCard or Visa accepted Save money AND the environment! Request our special "Enviro-Pack" (disk and manuals only) and deduct $2 from your order. ==============================================================================