September 26, 1993 GEnie Atari ST RT Software Library ********************************* Number: 18598 Name: BATTERY.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 60480 Number of Accesses: 77 Library: 9 Description: The Battery Expert is an expert in the automobile battery field. This program will explain how a battery works and almost everything else that has to do with batteries. All menu driven. MONOchrome ONLY --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18583 Name: CARRIE.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910310 Approximate # of bytes: 11340 Number of Accesses: 110 Library: 8 Description: This file contains hints & tips for Carrier Command, it includes a map and a list of all the islands. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18601 Name: CDIALOG.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 12600 Number of Accesses: 98 Library: 3 Description: The GEM Dialog Box Example LASER C example code on how to use a GEM Dialog box. It's so easy once you know it. Here is an example to help you understand. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18597 Name: ETASTRO.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 40320 Number of Accesses: 144 Library: 21 Description: This is Astro-Analysis. It is a program that will print on the screen of printer a complete description of all the signs of the zodiac, plus a lot more on astrology. A must for Astrology fans... --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 21619 Name: ETELVIS.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 911118 Approximate # of bytes: 20736 Number of Accesses: 85 Library: 5 Description: This is a picture of Elvis Presley. It's a scanned 300 DPI IMG file and also in Degas PI2 and PI3. Great Clip Art, Enjoy! --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 24527 Name: GRNDPRIX.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 920615 Approximate # of bytes: 38912 Number of Accesses: 56 Library: 18 Description: Here are three scanned Formula One automobiles. In IMG format. Black and white, very nice. The three images are about 1118 x 400 in size each. A must for the race fan. Special thanks to Rene Guimont. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18584 Name: HACKER.DOC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910310 Approximate # of bytes: 6300 Number of Accesses: 108 Library: 8 Description: This is the solution for HACKER, I know it's an old game but it's still a nice game to play. If you like to use your head not just look at fancy graphics. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18600 Name: HACKERII.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 81 Library: 8 Description: This is the solution for Hacker II. This Arc file has a map and complete step by step solution. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18595 Name: HOW.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 20160 Number of Accesses: 69 Library: 8 Description: HOW is a mathematical trick that will find the number that you have chosen by asking you a couple of questions. Color and Mono version. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 13594 Name: INDY.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 900114 Approximate # of bytes: 56700 Number of Accesses: 98 Library: 8 Description: This is the solution for Indiana Jones Graphic Adventure made by LucasFilm Games. The solution includes text and Maps for the adventure in Degas Elite (PC2) format. Solution by Eric Tremblay --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18599 Name: RESIST.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 15120 Number of Accesses: 144 Library: 9 Description: Resistor is an utility that calculates the value of electronic resistor. Very easy to use. A must for the electronic hobbyist. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 21615 Name: RESISTR.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 911117 Approximate # of bytes: 12800 Number of Accesses: 119 Library: 2 Description: This is a new version of the electronic Resistor calculator. It is a full GEM application and works on 1.4 color or mono. Also works on any Atari. This program calculates the value of electronic resistors. A must for the electronic hobbist. --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 13593 Name: ZAK.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 900114 Approximate # of bytes: 25200 Number of Accesses: 113 Library: 8 Description: This is the solution for the game Zak MacKraken by LucasFilm Games The solution is written by Eric Tremblay and I hope it helps you out in the game. A must if your stuck... --------------------------------- ********************************* Number: 18594 Name: ZILFIN.ARC Address: E.TREMBLAY2 Date: 910311 Approximate # of bytes: 75600 Number of Accesses: 44 Library: 8 Description: This is the solution for Rings Of Zilfin, it includes a 12 page solution text file with 11 maps for the game. A very nice game to play! ---------------------------------