README1 for CLR_CON1.LZH (LH5) May 1, 1993 User to User TIP File ===================== Color Conversions for the DMC family of Color Design and Publishing Products This archive contains the following files: CLR_CON1.CDK - Pages 1 - 17 of the main TIP file. CLR_CON2.CDK - Pages 18 - 25 of the main TIP file. PC_168 .CFT - A 168 item color table for use with SL. PC_60 .CFT - A 60 item color table for use with OL3 and SL. PC_TEST .CFT - A practice color table for use with this file. DEJAVODU.CFN - Stephen Samuels' "system" font for use with these files. The .CFT files should be copied to the COLOR subdirectory on your Calamus SL folder, or wherever you normally keep your color lists. PC_60.CFT can also be copied to the COLOR subdirectory of your Outline Art 3 folder. DEJAVODU.CFN can be copied to your FONT folder. You may also want to Download CLR_TABL.LZH, a companion file to this document. CLR_TABL contains a _much_ easier to read 'reference' version of the tables contained in CLR_CON2. It also contains a new 256 K (gray) table, matching CFT, and raster samples of the entire range of grays available in SL and OL3. Also included is a worksheet for creating, organizing, and converting your own color tables for any color format. *********************************************************************** FOR USERS WITHOUT the CG TIMES and TRIUMVIRITE font sets: When loading CLR_CON1.CDKCON: 1) When asked, substitute SWISS_100.CFN for TRIU7BC.CFN TIMES__50.CFN for CGTM4RE.CFN You will have to change the text styles to match the replacement fonts one at a time. To do this: 2) Enter the text module, and click on the Text Style box. Click the Text Style Settings box (bottom row, middle), then the top text style in the list. 3) Change all styles using the SWISS 100 font to COMPRESSED 65% Change all styles using the TIMES 50 font to COMPRESSED 84%, except the skewed TIMES 50 fonts: use COMPRESSED 82%. No change to DEJAVODU is necessary. 4) Get the CG TIMES and TRIUMVIRITE font sets ASAP! For CLR_CON2, you're on your own :-) The fonts used in CLR_CON2 are simple, so you should be able to do a direct replacement using similar COMPRESSED values. Try replacing the TRIUM2 font with SWISS 25, and the TRIUM7 font with SWISS 100, UNcompressed. ********************************************************************** This User-to-User TIP file was inspired by my own recent and enter- taining foray into color publishing using customer-specified spot colors and duo-tones. I hope this helps you NOT have to re-invent the wheel as I did (out of sheer ignorance, I might add). Feedback on style and content will be gladly accepted :-) Doug Walter (D.WALTER7)