Duplitwix Blitz Instructions for making the cable. You will need 1 male,25 pin connector (Printer connector),2- 14 pin DIN Plugs, and approx 6 feet of 14 conductor shielded cable. If you can find a place which sells the 6 ft floppy drive cables, you may use one of these and cut it in half. Read all instructions before starting! 1.) If you are using a premade molded cable, you will have to use an OHM meter to find out which wires are for which pins. Clip one of the leads of the ohm meter to one of the 14 wires. Then touch each pin on the connector until you find which pin the wire belongs to. Do this for each wire until, you have them all labeled. (both connectors will be the same, so you only need do this for one connector.) 1a.) if you are making the cable from scratch, solder one wire to each of the 14 pins on the connector. Do this for each cable. 1c.) if you are lucky enough to have a connector which comes apart on your premade cable, take apart connector and write down which color wire goes to which pin. 2) Now that you have the wires all labeled, label one connector drive A and one connector Drive B. 3) You will now solder the wires from the cable labeled Drive B to the 25 pin plug. Drive B cable pin # 25 pin connector pin # 3 2 4 3 13 4 11 5 8 6 9 7 14 8 5 9 12 11 6 20 Now connect the following wires together, Cable A pin 1 to Cable B pin 10 and Cable A pin 2 to cable B pin 2. Wrap these wires with electrical tape. Now you can put the connectors together, there should be 2 cables extending from out of the case for the 25 pin connectors. Make sure that there are no shorted wires. You can check them with an OHM meter before using. Below is a diagram which was used to determine pin numbers for the DIN Plug. These instructions are being placed into the public domain, They have been tested, and are believed correct. But, use at your own risk. No responsibility is accepted for damage caused to your equipment. (11) (10) (9) (8) This is the arrangement of the (7) (13) (12) (6) Pins on the DIN plugs (5) (14) (4) The numbers are to be used to (3) (2) determine pin number for use with (1) instructions