S D J R E G I S T R A T I O N F O R M ------------------------------------------- SDJ Enterprises, Inc. 1551 Fawn Valley Dr. St. Louis, MO 63131 USA (314) 966-5602 Please mail a check, cash or money order to the above address. Credit cards are not accepted. Outside the United States, add $3 shipping and send cash or checks drawn on USA banks. BIG THREE (v 2.01): You control all the action from the Rock of Gibralter to the frozen streets of Moscow. Recreate the fiercely fought battles of Tobruk, Stalingrad and many more. Supports VGA, EGA and CGA graphics. PRICE BASIC GAME (SHAREWARE VERSION- Hard drive required) ----- All the software and documentation necessary to play three challenging scenarios..................$12 _______ REGISTRATION PACKET (Requires BASIC GAME) Four new scenarios, scenario editor, sticker, map....$17 _______ EXPANSION PACKET (Requires BASIC GAME) Five additional scenarios............................$10 _______ RULE BOOK (OPTIONAL) Bound hardcopy of BIG THREE rule book.................$5 _______ BIG THREE (v 1.03): CGA graphics only, no hard drive required. Includes REGISTRATION PACKET.........................$30 _______ LA GRANDE ARMEE (v 1.01): You control all the action from the Spanish plains to the Russian hinterland. Recreate the epic battles of Wagram, Waterloo and many others. PRICE BASIC GAME (SHAREWARE VERSION) ----- All the software and documentation necessary to play three challenging scenarios..................$12 _______ REGISTRATION PACKET (Requires BASIC GAME) Four new scenarios, complementary game map...........$17 _______ NAPOLEON'S ART OF WAR Detailed analysis of Napoleonic era warfare...........$4 _______ RULE BOOK (OPTIONAL) Bound hardcopy of La Grande Armee rule book...........$5 _______ DRACULA IN LONDON (v 1.05): Track down and destroy the bloodthirsty vampire. Based on Bram Stoker's novel............$9 _______ OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES, ADD $3 SHIPPING........................._______ ======= TOTAL..............................................................------- Diskette: [ ] 5.25 inch [ ] 3.5 inch [ ] High Density Name______________________________________________________________________ Street____________________________________________________________________ City, State_________________________ Zip_______ Phone ____ - ____ - ______ Signature_______________________________________ Date ___________________ Comments on reverse side: (Product improvements, questions, bugs, etc.)