LAD - Local Area Dungeon Shareware by BCS Software P.O. Box 923113 Sylmar, CA 91392-3113 CompuServe 73267,3361 Requires Windows 3.1. Installation: Sorry, no automated installation program has been included. You should create a directory for all LAD files, and copy them into it. From within Windows, click once on your "Games" window or icon, then select "New" from the "File" menu. Select "New Item", then click on "OK". Click on "Browse", then use the file requester to find "LAD.EXE". Double-click on "LAD.EXE". Click on "OK", and the LAD icon should appear in your "Games" window. Double-click on the "Lad" icon to start the game. On-line instructions are available from the "Help" menu. Distribution: LAD is not freely-distributable. This version may be duplicated and distributed on a not-for-profit basis only. Registered non-profit organizations (users groups, etc.) may include this program on low-cost disks. Other distributors of shareware software (including periodicals, publications and clubs) must get permission from Mike Berro, which will most likely be forthcoming in return for a copy of the disk and/or periodical. This program must not be posted on any for-profit BBS without my permission, except CompuServe (where I can be reached at 73267,3361).