--------------------------------- VGA TANKS V16.0 TERRAIN TYPES --------------------------------- In response to questions such as "What is that?" and "Why can't I move over those?" I present this brief introduction to the terrain of VGA Tanks. TERRAIN 0: Classic Tanks Areas not obstructing fire or movement: OPEN TERRAIN - Light gray areas Areas obstructing fire and movement: OBSTACLES - Any other objects (black/white/dark gray) are obstacles TERRAIN 1: Metropolis Tanks Areas not obstructing fire or movement: OPEN TERRAIN - Green areas, fields of grass/light vegetation HIGHWAYS - Light gray lines with yellow stripes Areas obstructing fire and movement: CITIES/INSTALLATIONS - Groups of black/white/dark gray boxes RUBBLE - Groups of black/white/dark gray dots WOODS - Light green checkered areas MOUNTAINS - Groups of brown triangles Areas obstructing only movement: OCEAN - Light blue areas represent deep water areas nearly always impassable for Tanks RIVERS/LAKES - Dark blue areas represent shallow water TERRAIN 2: Lunar Tanks Areas not obstructing fire or movement: OPEN TERRAIN - Light gray areas, smooth lunar plains SHUTTLE RAILS - Yellow lines, means of transport between colonies Areas obstructing fire and movement: COLONIES/INSTALLATIONS - Groups of black/white/dark gray boxes RUBBLE - Groups of black/white/dark gray dots ROUGH ROCK FORMATIONS/UNEVEN TERRAIN - Black/light gray checkered areas LUNAR HILLS - Groups of white triangles Areas obstructing only movement: CRATERS/RAVINES - Dark gray areas and irregular lines TERRAIN 3: Desert Tanks (Registered Version) Areas not obstructing fire or movement: OPEN TERRAIN - Brown areas, open desert ROADWAYS - Light gray lines Areas obstructing fire and movement: VILLAGES/CITIES - Groups of black/white/dark gray boxes RUBBLE - Groups of black/white/dark gray boxes SAND DUNES/SAND FORTIFICATIONS - Irregular yellow lines, black outline SPARSE VEGETATION/TREES - Groups of light and dark green dots MOUNTAINS - Groups of black triangles Areas obstructing only movement: RIVERS/COASTLINE - Dark blue areas TERRAIN 4: Urban Tanks (Registered Version) Areas not obstructing fire or movement: PAVEMENT - Light gray areas (streets/parking lots/sidewalks/etc) with dark gray details and yellow painted markings LAWNS/FIELDS - Green areas Areas obstructing fire and movement: OUTER BUILDING WALLS - Thick brown/purple lines BUILDING INTERIOR - White with black stripes or black with white stripes FENCES - Brown and black dotted lines TRAFFIC SIGNAL POLES - Black squares SHRUBS/TREES - Light green checkered areas, sometimes with brown center OTHER - Various other colored areas (vehicles/road hazards/etc) Areas obstructing only movement: PONDS/FOUNTAINS - Dark blue TERRAIN 5: Wilderness Tanks (Registered Version) Areas not obstructing fire or movement: LAWNS/FIELDS - Green areas DIRT ROADS - Irregular brown lines HIGHWAYS - Light gray areas with yellow painted markings Areas obstructing fire and movement: HIGHWAY DIVIDERS - White lines between highway lanes SHRUBS/TREES - Light green checkered areas, sometimes with brown center Areas obstructing only movement: SWAMP - Green areas covered with dark dashed lines STREAMS - Light blue, swift and deep, usually impassable FORD - Dark blue areas across streams, tanks may cross here --------------------------- VGA TANKS V16.0 SCORING --------------------------- For those who need to know EXACTLY how their score is arrived at, here is a brief summary: The base score is your hits on the enemy times your hit percentage. This base score is modified by a factor based on your total number of hits. Your score is then reduced according to the number of hits you received. You are then awarded bonuses or penalties as follows: Used Homing Shells......... PENALTY Used Maximum Ammo.......... PENALTY for human players Opponent Invisible......... BONUS for humans with human opponent Used An Emplacement........ BONUS if human opponent Used Normal Shells With No Attributes, Were Not Invisible, AND Had Limited Ammo....... BONUS Program, documentation, and data (C) Copyright 1992 by Joe Scoleri