-*- top -*- ( Set to 66 lines per page. Where applicable, make sure your printer is aligned to the top of the page - then copy this file to your printer. Total: 8 pages ). "Running WWIV under Win95." Version 0.97 ( Checking for Typos ). An original file from Screaming Alarm Clock. File Name: W4W95A1.TXT. File Date: May 2, 1997. Version 0.97. Copyright: (c) 1997 Dan Morgan / Screaming Alarm Clock BBS. Tri-Cities, WA. All Rights Reserved - including rights to commercial publication / distribution. This may not be bundled or sold without express, written, permission from the author. Intro: There are various Help Files for setting up a BBS [ and more specifically WWIV (c) WSS/Wayne Bell ] and Windows 95 [ (c) Microsoft, Inc ] to run well together. In my experience, their suggestions to remove autoexec.bat and EMM386 created problems. I installed Win95 about a dozen times and created a plethora of headaches and gained more grey hair before I found a working combination of solutions from a Help File by the Sysop of the Glass Onion, ( see credits ) and also from my own discoveries. This Help File attempts to fill in the gap with examples of my BBS Batch file, my autoexec.bat, my config.sys, and settings for the Com Port and the modem, plus info from my BBS "shortcut" that shows how I've instructed Windows 95 to run it. I have 611k free in a DOS "window" with the set-up I describe in this Help file. WWIV has not had any hiccups from a lack of free memory yet under Win95 with the autoexec.bat, config.sys, b.bat, and the shortcut I use for the Screaming Alarm Clock BBS. One critical factor to mention before I get started: the last line of your BBS Batch file should read as EXIT or exit. This can help avoid the: "Hit CTRL-C to exit your program" if the BBS has an error, and when the BBS exits normally ( so long as you also refer to the "shortcut" settings in this file ). Contents: Topic...................................................Page [ A ] Setting BBS Com Port in Control Panel / System......2 [ B ] Setting up the Modem in Control Panel / Modem.......2 , 3 [ C ] Setting up or Modifying your BBS "Shortcut".........3 , 4 [ D ] Example of my Autoexec.bat with Windows 95..........5 [ E ] Example of my Config.sys with Windows 95..........5 [ F ] Example of BBS Batch file with Win95 with "exit"....6 , 7 [ G ] Credits.............................................7 [ H ] Requesting via BBS Mail ; Where to find on WWW......8 (65) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 1 of 8 ***************************************************** [ A ] Setting BBS Com Port in Control Panel / System ***************************************************** Follow these steps to set up your Com Port for the BBS... Start Settings Control Panel Select: System Select: Device Manager Select: Ports ( COM & LPT ) Select: The Com Port used by your BBS Modem Settings: Bits per second: 115200 ( top connect rate of your modem ) Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop Bits: 1 Flow Control: Hardware Select: Advanced Settings: [ x ] Use FIFO buffers ( requires 16550 compatible UART ). Receive Buffer Low (1) x-----|-----x-----x High (14) Transmit Buffer Low (1) x-----|-----x-----x High (14) Set each to 4 as shown with the | in the example above. Now click on [ OK ] until you return back to the Control Panel. Stay in Control Panel for Section B of this Help File. **************************************************** [ B ] Setting up the Modem in Control Panel / Modem **************************************************** In Control Panel... Select: Modems Select: Properties Select: General ( Tab at the top of the dialog box ) Settings: Set Port to the Com Port used by your BBS Modem. Set Speaker Volume as desired. Set Maximum Speed to the max supported by your Modem. ( I use 115200 for a 28.8/33.6 modem ). ( see next - page x - for the rest of this section ) (131) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 2 of 8 **************************************************************** [ B ] Setting up the Modem in Control Panel / Modem - continued **************************************************************** Select: Connections ( Tab at top of the dialog box ) Settings: Data bits: 8 Parity: None Stop bits: 1 [ x ] Use error control [ x ] Compress data [ x ] Use flow control [ x ] Hardware compression Modulation type: Standard Now click on [ OK ] until you return back to the Control Panel. Now restart Windows via the Start Button. Exit out of all programs that are currently running. Select: Start Select: Shut Down Select: Restart the Computer ************************************************** [ C ] Setting up or Modifying your BBS "Shortcut" ************************************************** This section has help for those who upgraded from Windows 3.1x or Windows for Workgroups, and those who started with Windows 95 and don't have any prior "PIFs" that were converted to "Shortcuts". To create or modify your BBS Shortcut - follow these steps... Start Settings Taskbar Start Menu Programs Advanced At this point you can either find your existing BBS Shortcut or create one. The next paragraphs details how to create one. Skip this indented section if you already have a BBS Shortcut and go to the "modify" text. To create a BBS Shortcut: Select: Find the Folder you want to place the Shortcut into from the List on the left side of the Explorer dialog box. Action: Left Mouse Click on the desired Folder to highlight it. Select: File from the Menu Bar Select: New Select: Shortcut (197) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 3 of 8 ************************************************************** [ C ] Setting up or Modifying your BBS "Shortcut" - continued ************************************************************** Enter text for "Command Line" such as: C:\WWIV\BBS.EXE Enter text for "Select a Name" such as: BBS Instance 1 Select an Icon Click on Finish Now modify the BBS Shortcut... Select: BBS Shortcut with a Left Mouse Click to highlight it. Action: Right Mouse Click on the BBS Shortcut to bring up a dialog box. Select: Properties Settings: Select: Program ( Icon ): ( Name ) BBS Instance 1 Cmd Line: C:\WWIV\BBS.EXE ( if BBS is run directly ) Cmd Line: C:\COMMAND.COM ( if BBS is run via a Batch file ) Working: C:\WWIV ( Set this and Cmd Line to Drive you use ) Batch File: B.BAT ( Name of Batch file you use to run the BBS ) Shortcut Key: CTRL + Alt + Whatever Key You Specify Run: Normal Window [ x ] Close on Exit Select: Font [ x ] Both Font Types Font Size: Auto Select: Memory Set all to: Auto [ x ] Protected [ x ] Uses HMA Select: Screen [ x ] Full Screen [ x ] Display Toolbar [ x ] Restore Settings on Startup [ x ] Fast ROM Emulation [ x ] Dynamic memory allocation Initial Size: Default Select Misc: [ x ] Allow Screen Saver ( I use Blank Screen - set in Control Panel / Display ) [ x ] Fast Pasting [ x ] All of the Windows Shortcut Keys Idle Sensitivity: Low ( farthest to the left ) Now Click on [ APPLY ]. Now Click on [ OK ] and exit back out to the main screen of Windows 95. (263) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 4 of 8 ************************************************* [ D ] Example of my Autoexec.bat with Windows 95 ************************************************* @ECHO OFF PROMPT $d $t$_$p : REM Gives a very nice command prompt. VERIFY ON REM Tells DOS to verify disk writes. PATH C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND;C:\;C:\DOS;C:\WWIV\;C:\COMM;C:\ARCHIVE; C:\SHELL;C:\SYS;C:\EDIT;C:\TEMP;C:\SYS\VIDEO;C:\ZIPTOOLS; :SET SET TEMP=C:\TEMP :SOUND REM ( Not all sound cards can do without an autoexec.bat or REM a config.sys under Windows 95 --- that's life! ) SET GALAXY=A220 I5 D1 K10 P530 T6 SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 T4 SET SOUND=C:\MMP16F :DRIVERS C:\SYS\16550 COM2 /f /t4 REM Sets Com Port2 FIFO to 4 via 16550 util. C:\SYS\16550 COM3 /f /t4 REM Sets Com Port3 FIFO to 4 via 16550 util. LH C:\DOS\STACK.COM REM Enable a "DOSKEY" util in all DOS Windows. :END *********************************************** [ E ] Example of my Config.sys with Windows 95 *********************************************** DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS /SHADOWRAM:ON /TESTMEM:OFF /V REM ****************************************************************** REM Note: Shadowram is specific to my pc as our CMOS is set up for it. REM ****************************************************************** DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE ON RAM H=64 D=64 /V REM **************************************************************** REM Enables EMM386.EXE. Sets File Handles to 64. DMA to 64. Verbose. REM **************************************************************** FILES=50 REM Some suggest FILES=60 for WWIV. DOS=UMB FCBS=32,0 REM *************** SOUND CARD ************************** DEVICE=C:\MMP16F\DRIVERS\EEPROM.SYS /88BC0001 REM ***************************************************** DOS=HIGH BREAK=ON REM Enables CTRL-Break, etc. SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM C:\ /E:2048 /P REM Environment needed for BBS etc. DEVICE=C:\DOS\FIX16550.SYS REM 16550 fix utility for AMI BIOS. DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\TANSI.SYS REM ANSI Driver for our video card. DEVICEHIGH=C:\PAGERDR\CIS800N.SYS REM Our Document Scanner. DEVICEHIGH=C:\DEV\HIT-IDE.SYS /D:MSCD005 /N:1 /T:3 /V REM Our CD Rom. (319) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 5 of 8 ******************************************************* [ F ] Example of BBS Batch file with Win95 with "exit" ******************************************************* @ECHO OFF REM ************************************************************* REM * ORIGIN - SCREAMING ALARM CLOCK BBS, RICHLAND, WA - 1997. * REM ************************************************************* REM * BATCH FILE FOR INSTANCE 1 - CALLER INSTANCE. B.BAT. * REM ************************************************************* REM * SAVE ORIGINAL AND DELETE ALL REM(arks) FROM FILE YOU USE.* REM ************************************************************* REM * Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Dan Morgan/Screaming Alarm Clock * REM ************************************************************* REM * Quixotic Quest/OnTheFritz. Internet: onthefritz@pobox.com * REM ************************************************************* VERIFY ON REM Tells DOS to verify writes. BREAK ON REM Enables CTRL-Break, etc. :BBS C:\SYS\16550 COM2 /f /t4 REM Sets Com Port FIFO via 16550 util. LSL /U REM Makes sure LSL is unloaded ( PPP ). LH C:\WWIV\LSL REM Loads LSL prior to BBS. C: REM Change to BBS drive. CD\WWIV REM Change to BBS directory. SET TZ=PST8PDT REM Sets to Pacific Time Zone. SET BBS_NAME=SCREAMING ALARM CLOCK REM For my Game Batch Files. SET WWIV_INSTANCE=1 REM For my Game Batch Files. FLINK REM Run FLINK for unmodded BBS. EXP S32767.NET C:\WWIV\FILENET\ 301 quixotic owt.com FILENET REM PPP command to process mail. REM The BBS command line sets the BBS to exit after each call, which the REM Batch file uses to either quit ( Q or ESC-Y at WFC ) or to loop thru REM the Batch file to restart the BBS. The looping helps an unmodded BBS REM to run "LINKER" and "FLINK" utils on packets between calls. Here the REM BBS is told to start Instance 1 ( /I1 ) and is given exit parameters. REM Since I have a 28.8/33.6 modem I set my Com Port to 115200. BBS.EXE /I1 /S115200 /N0 /A1 /O /C %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 IF ERRORLEVEL 4 GOTO EVENT IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO QUITBBS IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO PREP4BBS IF ERRORLEVEL 0 GOTO PREP4BBS :EVENT REM From WWIV docs for BBS Batch files. C: REM Change to BBS drive. CD\WWIV REM Change to BBS directory. GOTO PREP4BBS REM After event - loop to run Net utils. (385) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 6 of 8 ******************************************************************* [ F ] Example of BBS Batch file with Win95 with "exit" - continued ******************************************************************* :QUITBBS REM Cosmetic reminder - helps newbies. ECHO. ECHO. ECHO. ECHO " QUITTING THE BBS " ECHO. ECHO. ECHO. C: REM Change to BBS drive. CD\WWIV REM Change to BBS directory. GOTO CLOSEBBS REM Loop to final section and exit. :PREP4BBS REM Label for Utils prior to BBS restart. C: REM Change to BBS drive. CD\WWIV REM Change to BBS directory. FLINK REM Run FLINK for unmodded BBS. NETWORK2.EXE REM Run LINKER for unmodded BBS. GOTO BBS REM Loop back to restart the BBS. :CLOSEBBS REM Label for exiting the Batch file. LSL /U REM Unload LSL driver ( PPP Project ). FLINK REM Run FLINK for unmodded BBS. NETWORK2.EXE REM Run LINKER for unmodded BBS. CD\ REM Habitual return to C:\ from DOS days. EXIT REM Critical for Win95 to avoid the REM horrible " Hit CTRL-C " prompt. :END ************** [ G ] Credits ************** Much thanks for the inspiration to create a Help File to: Bob Dunn, Sysop of the Glass Onion. His Help File for DOS/FIDO BBSs and Win95 helped me to get started and showed that original Help Files can go a long way to help other Sysops avoid the messes of a new operating system. "How to Run Front Door Under Windows 95" (c) 1995 Bob Dunn. MS-DOS, Windows, Windows for Workgroups, Windows95 and "DOSKEY"............(c) and tm Microsoft, Inc. WWIV ( WWIV BBS Software )................(c) and tm WSS/Wayne Bell. FLINK.....................................(c) 1997 Dennis M. Meyers. LINKER....................................(c) Hellfire. 16550.EXE.................................(c) 1993 Brent C. Turner. (451) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 7 of 8 ***************************************************** [ H ] Requesting via BBS Mail ; Where to find on WWW ***************************************************** /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ To request a copy of the current edition of this file via WWIV BBS Mail use these addresses and info: /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ On WWIV BBS's - use the //NET command at the Main Menu to see what Networks the BBS is on and use whichever of the following apply to send your [E]mail request to one of these addresses: FILENET: infobot@301.FILENET WWIVNET: infobot@14209.WWIVNET TAZNET: infobot@5922.TAZNET ICENET: infobot@5921.ICENET BIBLENET: infobot@5096.BIBLENET TERRANET: infobot@5921.TERRANET GLOBALNET: infobot@5922.GLOBALNET SIERRALINK: infobot@5921.SIERRALINK Subject: WWIV-W95 Message: . Then Save the email message. /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ To download the current editions of this file via the World Wide Web go to this url: /-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/ http://www.owt.com/users/quixotic/ppp-wwiv The filename is: WWIV-W95.TXT. The Web site is often not available on Fridays from midnight to 9am ( Pacific time ). If I ever change the Web site's location, just email or "finger" onthefritz@pobox.com for information. (517) "...WWIV under Win95." Dan Morgan / onthefritz@pobox.com Page 8 of 8