A little note about this MOD player: þ It was written entirely by Draeden in his early years of programming þ It was written without ever seeing code for a Modplayer þ Little knowledge of how MODs worked existed in his head at that time þ It was not written well, kind of a hack job þ It works on about 60% of the MODs out there þ It crashes when used to play another 15% þ Just plain doesn't sound right on the remaining 25% þ It tries to support the following commands: þ break pattern þ jump to pattern þ volume slide? þ frequency slide (up or down) not done correctly þ set volume þ And possibly something else You can use this code to: þ Write your own, probably much better MOD player þ Look at and have a good laugh þ Fill up hard drive space for no apparent reason þ Use it as a reference on how to do DMA/DSP transfers (at least THAT works) þ Upload to some other board to get file points The only requirement set on this code are: þ If you learn anything from this, greet VLA in your next production þ Don't try to use it as a mod player for a demo or other thing and give us credit for the sound system, unless you get it to sound good þ Don't remove this message from the .ZIP Included in the .ZIP should be: þ ModPlay.EXE - a PKLITEd version of ModMain.EXE þ ModMain.ASM - The source to a program that actually uses the ModPlayer þ DMASub.asm - has all the DMA/DSP related commands/ functions þ ModSub.asm - The program that does all the MOD related stuff and is actually the heart of the ModPlayer þ Make.bat - Compiles and links it all together to make MODMAIN.EXE þ MClsub.asm - A generic command line grabber þ ModPLay.TXT - This file that you are reading þ ACB.MOD - a mod that this player plays correctly (I think) And that's it. Enjoy.