Included in this directory are two programs for CLI use. Usage: Events2ASCII defaults: Binary: ".Events" , ASCII: "Events" Usage: ASCII2Events defaults: ASCII: "Events" , Binary: ".Events" They were primarily written for those of you who would like to use a standard text editor for editting and entering events rather than LE-NAG itself. For testing I just made sure they would convert my .Events file to ASCII and back so be sure to make a backup so you don't destroy your existing .Events if something goes wrong. The ASCII format is pretty simple but you'll have to check the docs for LE-NAG to understand how the information is used. Event records are seperated by a blank line and any of the lines listed below can be left out of a record (except Event:). The lines are started with a specifier of what part of the record it is followed by a colon(:) which is followed by the actual information. If there are more than one entry with the same specifier in the same record then the latter one is used. The specifiers are: Event: Type: Execute String: Event Time: Length: Advance Notice: or Notice: Notice Interval: or Interval: Acknowledged Time: Group Code: or Group: Calendar Color: or Color Repeat Period: or Repeat: Repeat Flags: Weekday Flags: Automation Flags: All of these can be abreviated up to the first letter in each word and are not case sensitive. For example Acknowledge Time: can be abreviated to A T: or ack time: The Event and Execute String are followed up to 80 characters of text. For example: event:AMUC Meeting Acknowledge Time and Execute Time are followed by a date in the format YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM. For example: E T:1990/10/25 15:30 Length, Advance Notice and Notice Interval are followed by a time interval in the format DDDDD HH:MM. For example: Len:0 0:15 Group is followed by an group code of up to four letters. Group codes are case sensitive. For example: g:aBcD Calendar Color is followed by a number from 0-15. For example: Cal Col:5 Repeat Period is followed by a number from 0-63 For example: Repeat:1 The options for all the remaining line types are not case sensitive and can be abreviated to their first letter or their first two letters where specified. Type is followed by Print,DisplayBeep,AmigaDOS,Requester,SPEAK,PlaySound or HighlightDay PlaySound can only be apreviated to two letters because of Print. For example: type:pl Repeat Flags is followed any combination of Yearly, Monthly and Weekly. For example: R F:Y M W Weekday Flags is followed by any combination of DayEquals,Sunday,Monday, Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday. Saturday and Thursday can only be abreviated to two letters For example: Weekday flags:Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Automation Flags is followed by any combination of Acknowledge and Save. For example: Auto Flags:Ack Save