AMIGA SCHOONSCHIP INSTALLATION 1. Machine Requirements This version of Schoonschip has been tested on an Amiga 2000 with AmigaDOS 1.3, and on an Amiga 3000 with AmigaDOS 1.3 and 2.x, and requires a little less than 120,000 bytes of contiguous memory for the program. There are currently two executable versions, a "small" workspace version designed for machines with 512 Kbytes of memory, in the file SchipAMI_S.LZH, and a "standard" workspace version designed for machines with an extra 1,000,000 bytes of contiguous memory for workspace aside from the program itself, in the file SchipAMI.LZH. The small version needs 335,000 contiguous bytes of workspace. 2. Command Line Mode To run Schoonschip from the command line only, without icons, simply copy the executable file Schip into some directory in your execution path, for example, the C: directory. 3. Icon Mode Schoonschip is intended to be command line driven, but icons are included with the Amiga version for those who want to try them. We think the icons look best in 640x200 resolution mode. If you are not running AmigaDOS 2.x, in its default 4-color mode, you might want to use IconEd to modify the colors. First copy the icon into the same directory as the Schip program. It should behave like a normal Amiga icon; and although it seems to us an awkward mode of operation, we have implemented the method of holding down the shift key while clicking on document icons, to represent file name arguments normally given on the command line, then clicking on the Schip icon (shift key still held down) to run the program. The program can be run from a document icon with the help of two freely distributable utilities provided by Rich Franzen, AtatJ and IconJ, included here, plus a script, an example of which is also included, called DoIcon. The AtatJ and IconJ programs need to be put into the C: directory. The script uses AtatJ to attach an icon to a program text file, which calls Schoonschip when clicked. It could be part of a larger script that calls your favorite editor for writing Schoonschip programs, then attaches an icon when your editor is finished. As it stands, the script is invoked like this: DoIcon filename where "filename" is the name of a Schoonschip program text file. This will produce an icon file called, which causes Schoonschip to run the program filename when the icon is clicked, writes the output to filename.out, and displays it with the More progream. It is important that this script be able to find the icon template file SchipDoc.icon, so you need to edit the script to make its path explicit; and the paths for the Schip and More executables have to be explicit in the script as well, otherwise the IconJ tool will not do its job properly. IconJ is the actual tool associated with the document icon, and it runs a script embedded in the icon to call Schoonschip. For more information on how IconJ and AtatJ work, consult Fred Fish volume number 321. 4. Workspace Size Patch The small and standard workspace versions in this distribution need a contiguous workspace of 335,000 and 1,0000,000 bytes, respectively. Although it allocates that much memory and won't run without it, the program actually sets its internal workspace smaller (313,272, respectively, 476,348 bytes). There is startup code in front of the Schoonschip code which uses a little of the extra space. The built-in sizes work well for problems that don't take really large amounts of time (Schoonschip will go to the disk if it needs more workspace), even for the smaller workspace, and on the other hand seem not too large for most systems to handle. The size of the internal workspace (the 313,272 or 476,348 bytes), and how it is divided between input and output spaces, can be changed from the command line. See Appendix A of the manual, or execute Schip is=0 It is possible to patch the executable file to increase the maximum work space size (the 335,000 or 1,000,000 bytes). Simply use a utility like NewZap to change the long word (4 bytes) at offset 114 hex in (a copy of) the file Schip from its current value of 0005 1C98 hex (335,000) or 000F 4240 hex (1,000,000) to something larger, in accord with your available contiguous memory. This does not change the default internal workspace size, but the internal work space can now be increased from the command line as indicated above, to something somewhat below the new maximum. How much below is undocumented. The program will let you know if it doesn't have enough space. David N. Williams Ann Arbor, Michigan October 10, 1991 DWILLIAMS@UmiPhys.bitnet