IMPORTANT: The Shareware and Freely Distributable (Public Domain) programs on this disk are provided free of charge. The purchase price of this CD ROM covers the cost of duplication, acquisition of the collection, maintenance of the library, distribution, and other costs associated with the production of this disk. HyperMedia Concepts, Inc. does not pass on any portion of this payment to the individual software authors. This CD ROM is only a distribution medium, in the same sense as an online service, BBS system, or user group Public Domain library. You should not assume ownership of any of the programs on this disk, especially those that are indicated as being "Shareware". If you use any of the programs for which the developer requests a payment please cooperate by sending the developer the requested payment as promptly as possible. Your support for this form of distribution will ensure that the Shareware dream is kept alive and stimulate the continuing development of programs distributed in this unique manner.