This is disk 705 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. CrossMaze A crossword puzzle game where the player is given the words but no clues. The object is to find a way to place all the words back into the puzzle. Options include 10, 20, or 30 word games with one or two players. Version 1.0a, an update to version 1.0 on disk 694. Binary only. Author: James Butts FishCat A program designed to allow searching the entire library. Was written specifically for KS 2.0. Features very fast searches and the built-in ability to easily add new disks to the data- base. Supports many 2.0 features such as AppWindow and public screens. Iconifies. This is version 1.2, an update to ver- sion 1.1 on disk 607. Adds a simple AREXX port, printing, compact update files, and fixes all known bugs. Author: Matt Brown MFR Magic File Requester is a replacement for other file request- ers. Features include complete keyboard control, nice outfit, proportional font support, multiple directory caching, file find mechanism, file class support, file notification, many configuration options, history list, etc. This is version 2.0a, shareware, binary only. Author: Stefan Stuntz NewIFF New IFF code modules and examples for use with the Release 2 iffparse.library. This code release is again 1.3 compatible (the 37.8 release was not). This code is intended to replace the 1985 EA IFF code modules, providing significant enhance- ments including support for arbitrary display modes and over- scan (2.0), clipboard load/save, centralized string handling (for ease of localization), and simplified subroutines for displaying, saving, and printing ILBMs. And the 8SVX reader now plays! This is version 37.10, an update to version 37.9 on disk 674. Author: Submitted by Carolyn Scheppner