This is disk 595 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. ClibSave A small hack for saving the actual contents of the clipboard (unit 0) to a file. It may only be used from shell. This is version 0.1, includes source. Author: Uwe Röhm HOW A game where the aim is to get a ball from the start square to the exit square, while trying to turn all squares to the same color. As the ball moves across a square, the color of the square changes in a cyclic order of four colors. Also includes a level editor program. Freeware, binary only. Author: Peter Handel IconSwap A small utility, which allows you to quickly and easily swap the colors of your icons between the older 1.3 and the new 2.0-style. Version 0.14, includes source. Author: Uwe Röhm P-Compress A gimmick-free and very easy to use program for most compres- sion requirements. Uses the latest LZH compression algor- ithms. Can handle single files, whole drawers, disks, or selected files or types of file within drawers and disks. In PACK mode it can consolidate files into less space than whole- disk compression tools or archivers. This is version 2.1, an update to version 1.2 on disk 565. Freeware, binary only. Author: Chas A. Wyndham, LZH code by Barthel/Krekel P-Reader An all purpose reader that displays texts, pictures, animations and sounds, which may be uncompressed or compressed with P-Compress. Texts can include embedded static or animated illustrations and sounds. This is version 5.2, an update to version 5.1 on disk 543. Freeware, binary only. Author: Chas A. Wyndham P-Writer A text editor with special facilities for inserting text color and style changes and for preparing illustrated texts for P-Reader. Version 3.2, freeware, binary only. Author: Chas A. Wyndham