This is disk 555 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. EasyColor A color palette tool that you can use in your own programs. Works with any screen depth and type. Includes a usable demo. This is version 1.1, includes source in assembly. Author: Preben Nielsen FED A binary file editor with lots of options. This is version 1.1, binary only. Author: Thomas Jansen FlashCopy A multitasking friendly disk copier that can make nibble copies as well as standard DOS copies in about 75 seconds. Version 0.9, binary only. Author: Thomas Jansen HPMode A script file that sets fonts, attributes and some printer commands for the Hewlett Packard DeskJet 500 printer. It accesses some features of the DeskJet that are difficult to set from preferences or the printer. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Doris Ballard RMBShift A program that lets you use the right mousebutton (RMB) as a SHIFT-key. Useful when selecting multiple icons on the Workbench. Only uses 268 bytes of memory. This is version 2.0, an update to 1.0 on disk 547. However it is completely different from 1.0. Includes source in assembler. Author: Preben Nielsen TheA64Package A comprehensive emulator/utility package to assist Commodore 64 users in upgrading to the Amiga. This package compares to or surpasses the commercially available packages of the same nature. Many of the utilities require a hardware interface that allows the Amiga to access C64 peripherals such as disk drives and printers. The hardware interface available from QuesTronix. This is version 2.0, an update to version 1.0 on disk 379, and includes many new features. Binary only. Author: Cliff Dugan, QuesTronix